Mueller Will Never Be the Hero

Allow me to game out any impending Mueller testimony for the dumbass Democrats hoping that he will save the day — just like he saved the day by recommending prosecuting traitor trump. He will do nothing more than what Barr did during his Senate testimony yesterday. Mueller is not going to testify above and beyond what he wrote in the report, which means he is not going to speculate about any other situation or circumstance. He is not going to hypothesize what if’s and how about’s. He’s not going to reveal what’s behind the redactions. Although, dumbass Democrats should still try. So, when dumbass Democrats forget to ask Mueller the following most important question: but for traitor trump being the president would you have prosecuted? He will decline to answer because it is a hypothetical question and giving an answer would unfairly impugn the president. At least he’ll be on record for posterity if that sort of thing matters to him. I’m telling the Democratic morons, all these RepiubliKKKlans stick together. Mueller will downplay any disagreements with Barr as legal philosophical differences and disagreement of opinions on how to have managed certain aspects of releasing the Mueller report. Dumbass Democrats are going to be extremely disappointed.

I was actually gung ho for Mueller to testify immediately, but after the Barr Scheiße-show, it is painfully obvious that the little DOJ soldiers will follow their AG leader, and RepubliKKKlans will help obfuscate any testimony so that nothing will be clear. Not to mention that most dumbass Democrats are the worst f***ing interviewers ever! F***ing seriously! They very rarely can land a definitive punch with their questions. They seem to aimlessly query hoping for an answer they like without any regard to a strategy. They only have five minutes to make a point. It is clear, however, which Congressperson is a lawyer. For example, Harris in her questioning of Barr was focused, methodical, and purposeful. Consequentially, she uncovered that Barr failed to examine the underlying evidence in his decision not to prosecute the president; that traitor trump very probably asked Barr to investigate his political enemies; that a biased and conflicted Barr will remain to oversee the other 14 cases involving traitor trump. Hirono did call out Barr for lying to Congress. That was a successful and appropriate attack! Some Democrats have f***ing balls for once!

Welcome to stupid America. We are full into an imperial presidency with a traitor at the helm. Congratulations America for being this stupid. It takes some real talent!