Mundus Vult Decipi, Ergo Decipiatur

According to the Daily Beast, “Trump’s America is a cynical and base place where people are identified as extreme avatars and insulting stereotypes instead of as complex individuals. But is it reality? This worldview helped him win in 2016, because enough voters believed the caricature he sold us about himself (a bogus image of wealth and success), as well as the image he sold us about others (Lyin’ Ted Cruz, Crooked Hillary, the ‘fake news’ media, you get it). But after nearly four years, it is helping him lose bigly in 2020.”

Don’t count on it, morons! Ugh! F*** me! Do these writers and commentators actually get out into the real world and listen. And I mean listen covertly, to the extent that such subterfuge is possible. If they did, then they would understand that voters really are morons. They really do believe the news is fake. They believe the conspiracy theories. They believe only traitor trump can fix things. They genuinely believe traitor trump is a successful “billionaire” “businessman.” They believe! They think it all now just as they did four years ago.

Therefore, I say: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur! Welcome to trump stupid America. Get ready, people! America is simply too f***ing stupid to get itself out of this mess!