Musk Stick-Figure Douchebag

Musk’s Twitter: Stick-figure douchebag (self-portrait)

Musk has never been left-leaning; he’s always been a right-wing douchebag. He’s just another billionaire a**hole who has too much money and too much free time — apparently — on his hands, so he’s going to buy his latest obsession to teach all those kids who bullied him in school what is what! He does this under the guise of free speech “absolutism,” which, of course, does not exist and never has. “Free speech” is far less free than he thinks, and for good reason, lest the entire fabric of society comes undone, but I guess Musk is willing to take that chance because — you know — people want to buy electric cars in the middle of the next civil war.

Look, morons! How Musk has treated others and behaved on Twitter, is exactly the way he will run it! Clearly, that stick-figure of him in “2021” shows his O-face. He’s getting ready to f*** America over! Mark my words on that. Baby b*tch is pissy because he can’t be as much of an a**hole on Twitter as he wants to be! Naturally, being stupid America, people will flock to the new nastier version of Twitter because people love to watch a train wreck. Witness the election of traitor trump. I can’t wait!