Regarding Roe, he writes, “If [overturning Roe] sounds like a dystopian hellscape, that’s because it is. It’s because the court’s conservative majority, and Republicans around the country, want to force others to live in that hell. It is a hell created entirely out of Christian fundamentalism that ignores the views of people with different faiths, or people who believe secularism is the proper grounding for law. … Alito comes to his barbaric conclusion in the usual way ideologues on this court craft their horrible decisions: by concerning himself only with the views of white men from the 18th and 19th centuries. Abortion rights in this country are (or were) grounded in the Fifth and 14th amendments’ right to due process. Alito says, quite rightly, that the people who wrote those amendments did not think they were conferring upon women a right to bodily autonomy. For Alito and the conservative majority, that is enough: If dead white men didn’t grant it, we can’t have it. … They believe that the country is and should be permanently stuck in a vision of the world as articulated by white men who purposely excluded everybody else from participating. … They want the constitution and its protections to be by white men and for white men, and they resist any effort to change it. … Right now, only Republicans are willing to use all their power to get what they want. And what they want is for women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community to have fewer constitutional rights than cis-hetero white men. Second-class status for roughly half of the country is now the law of the land. Conservatives and Republicans couldn’t be happier.” Preach!