
My SCOTUS Prediction

Scotus will hear arguments on traitor trump’s eligibility to be on the Colorado primary ballot today. Without a doubt, the Court will keep him on the ballot, but the real questions are by what reasoning do they arrive at this decision, and is the Court unanimous in their opinion? (Indeed, not only unanimous in the outcome but also unanimous in its writing, meaning no separate concurrences.) First, of course, the Court will be unanimous because the liberal justices will cave to the imperialist uber-conservative supermajority wing of the bench, all in the name of national “unity.” When Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson should be standing up for the rule of law, the Constitution, and preserving our democracy, they will capitulate to keep the leader of America’s most recent rebellion against our government on the ballot. Of course, they will because nothing matters anymore, least of all keeping our democracy.

Second, and more difficult, is prognosticating the Court’s legal reasoning, which no doubt will be tortured and contorted to arrive at a desired, predetermined outcome. Again, that preconceived result is to keep traitor trump on the ballot. Whatever the “reasoning,” it will essentially render the 14th Amendment useless. Trust me on this one. I would not be surprised if SCOTUS decided that the Amendment in question only pertains to participants of the Civil War, thereby ruling anyone can run for office even if they engaged in an insurrection 150 years later because, of course, that was the intention of those who authored and passed the 14th Amendment. And a final thought, I think their opinion won’t come out until the end of the term (June), which is yet one more way for the pro-traitor trump conservative wing to delay justice and, in many ways, render their opinion useless because so much time will have passed and most — if not all — of the primary contests will be over. And there is no way SCOTUS will kick him off the general election ballot. In essence, all of this becomes academic and guidance for future insurrections as the Court rules traitors to our country have free reign to do as they will against our government and still be allowed to run for office because the 14th Amendment is outdated and moot in the 21st Century. Welcome to stupid America!