
Nah, I Was Right After All

After the Uvalde massacre, I was confident that nothing would change with guns, gun safety, or gun legislation. I was certain. Then a “bipartisan” “gun” “safety” bill actually passed, and Democrats and Biden hailed it as landmark legislation in 30 years. I posted that I had been wrong — something actually did happen. There was change. This time was different. I was prepared and, indeed, did eat my hat. Well, guess what? Nah. I take it all back. Nothing has changed, and the Highland Park massacre proves it. I should have stuck to my guts because my gut is never wrong. So, what the Democrats allowed to pass with such fanfare really is a worthless piece of legislation that could not have stopped this latest domestic terrorist attack. That piece of legislation is a school safety bill mixed with a bit of mental health funding disguised as “significant” “gun” “safety” “legislation.”

As usual, RepubliKKKlans dupped dumbass Democrats to basically compromise their way into a watered-down law that never addressed the real underlying issue: Guns. So, now no matter how much worse the gun violence gets in America, RepubliKKKlans will point to the 2022 gun law and claim nothing more can be done — the human turtle McConnell said as much. Democrats mistakenly believed that what they achieved was the start of something more meaningful, that the “log-jam” had been broken, and that they could build on the moment’s momentum to go further. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong. It will be another 30 years before anything else changes if the country lasts that long. Mark my words, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans effectively washed their hands of any more gun reform, and dumbass Democrats are running around chasing them to beg for more. “Please, sir, I want some more.” Once again, Democrats outplayed and pathetic! This is why I keep telling you morons that Democrats will not save America. Welcome to stupid America!