
National Abortion Ban By Ms. Lindsey Graham

According to The Hill, “‘I think we should have a law at the federal level that would say after 15 weeks, no abortion on demand except in cases of rape, incest and save the life of a mother. And that should be where America’s at,’ Graham said during a press conference on Capitol Hill, adding a line sure to be featured in Democratic campaign ads in the next two months. ‘If we take back the House and the Senate, I can assure you we’ll have a vote on our bill. If the Democrats are in charge, I don’t know if we’ll ever have a vote on our bill,’ he added.”

Much ado is being made about this new push by Ms. Lindsey Graham to enact a national abortion ban, and for good reason. But I write with a different angle in mind. Never mind the hypocrisy of RepubliKKKlans having always insisted that abortion rights are a state’s rights issue. (They’ve never believed in states’ rights regarding an individual’s personal rights.) Never mind the timing of the announcement, which “trampled” all over negative inflation news yesterday accompanied by a drop in the stock market. Never mind that Ms. Lindsey Graham is seeking a “middle way” on the abortion issue, for he is proposing what most Americans believe: Legal abortions before fetus viability with key exceptions. All sounds very reasonable, yes? Well, that’s the subterfuge. He’s trying to activate RepubliKKKlan and Independences to vote for a not-so-radical-RepubliKKKlan-majority-after all. But they just want a foot in the door. Who really thinks RepubliKKKlans will stop at 15 weeks and securing protections? Did we not hear the same thing about Roe for 50 years? Don’t worry — Roe isn’t going anywhere. Make no mistake — and idiot Americans keep falling for this — RepubliKKKlans, given power, will not only ban abortions nationwide, but they will get rid of exceptions. Who trusts RepubliKKKlans? F***tarded Americans. Will Ms. Lindsey Graham’s ploy work? While many RepubliKKKlans are already distancing themselves from his proposal, I think his “middle way” is the type of insidious proposal for which morons of America always fall. Welcome to stupid America!