Purely Moronic

Nature Always Restores Balance

From The New York Times, “Sometimes, Bruce C. Glavovic feels so proud to be an environmental scientist, studying coastal planning and teaching future researchers, that it moves him to tears. Other times, he wonders whether any of it has been enough. Scientists have proved beyond doubt that climate change is transforming the planet for the worse. Yet their work has mostly failed to spur governments to address the issue. When all the signs are telling scientists that their research is not being heard, it is tragic, Dr. Glavovic said, that they just keep producing more of it. … The new report, all 3,675 pages of it, was issued on Monday and concludes that global warming is outpacing our ability to cope [emphasis added].”

Scientists are getting more frustrated because humanity consistently ignores them and science. Each time I read another article about climate change, I just chuckle. At this point, there is really nothing else to do because it’s all too late, morons. It’s also laughable because scientists have yet to conclude (or admit, perhaps) that it is too late. It has been too late, probably for the last decade. We’ve already passed the point of no return. I have no science to back up my statement; I only have my intuition and experience. For instance, during my Sophomore year of high school, I selected climate change as a persuasive topic in speech class. At that time, the estimated crisis point was around the year 2250. Ever since then, I’ve been keeping track of climate change, and with every significant update, that window for the point of no return keeps shrinking: First, it was by 2250, then by 2100, then by 2050, and now within ten years or so. Well, I’m telling you, people, it’s already too late. There is nothing we can do to reverse the inevitable run-away conditions of climate change. Everything is accelerating beyond what scientists keep forecasting: Ice caps melting, droughts, fires, flooding, more severe hurricanes and tornados, and rising sea levels.

However, fear not! Nature always restores balance — always! By what means, you may ask? E.L.E.! That’s how. Look, morons! Humanity is its own best extinction-level event. And that’s going to happen sooner than you may like. Pick a vector: WW III, disease (e.g., COVID), climate change, other. I’m sorry to have to say it, but humanity cannot cope with climate change. There is no desire to meaningfully address the problem because the ramifications are not immediately before us — despite being everywhere around us. We are powerless against the instinct not to sh*t all over the place we live for all of our advances, technology, and brainpower. In some respect, we are still monkeys throwing poo.

Moreover, half of the citizens of one of the highest polluting nations think climate change is all a f***ing hoax or believe why bother — long live oil and coal! Humanity is too lazy to do the hard things like getting off of fossil fuels. But, again, do not worry, for nature will cull no more and no less than is necessary to restore a thriving environment. It just probably won’t include you or your descendants. Welcome to stupid humanity! I expected nothing less.