Neo-Fascist ‘Justice’ Alito: Oh, Well!

According to The Hill, “Senate Democrats are waging a public battle with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and are questioning his impartiality after it was revealed that an upside-down American flag flew outside his home in the days surrounding Jan. 6, 2021, and President Biden’s inauguration. Alito, one of the Supreme Court’s leading conservatives, is facing mounting criticism over the flag as the justices are set to rule on a pair of key decisions in the coming weeks related to the Jan. 6 attack. The longtime justice said last week that he had nothing to do with the upside-down flag, a sign of distress that has been widely used by the ‘stop the steal’ movement that argues Trump did not lose the 2020 election. The justice said his wife hung it amid a spat with neighbors, but Democrats were dissuaded as the episode infuriated them amid an ongoing battle over ethics at the court.”

I don’t know what’s more tragic: Alito on the bench or dumbass Democrats lamenting Alito being on the bench. As SCOTUS becomes more of a threat to every American’s freedoms, I find myself blaming dumbass Democrats for being so f***ing G.D. weak and for never prioritizing the importance of the High Court. It’s never a central focus of any Democratic political campaign, especially presidential elections, whereas RepubliKKKlans always make it a campaign issue of paramount significance. And how has that worked out for them? Hmmm. Let’s see. They have a 6-3 uber-conservative supermajority. Fan-f***ing-tastic! But whatever! Nothing matters. Dumbass Democrats are just too f***ing pathetic to stand up against RepubliKKKlans’ and traitor trump’s desire to kill our democracy and usher in fascism, all of which will be blessed by SCOTUS. The writing is on the wall. Welcome to stupid America! America: Too stupid to endure. No one cares! Oh, well!