New Zealand Terrorist Attack

Make no mistake! The rise in these white nationalist terrorist attacks (around the world) is directly inspired, condoned, and, indeed, relished by MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and traitor trump. People who fail to identify the nexus among all these factions and white supremacy are f***ing G.D. morons. When these idiots of society condemn such actions they don’t mean it–their words are weak platitudes (e.g., “thoughts and prayers” from horse face Sarah Hucka-Hucka-Huckabee Sanders, ya’ll). Their sympathy and understanding are always backhanded and an opportunity to deflect blame from themselves and their ilk to the opposition (aka Democrats). No matter how obvious the evil and no matter if the perpetrator writes a manifesto (or has pictures of traitor trump plastered all over the sides of a van) confessing to right-wing ideology, it’s always progressives’ fault! It is rather surprising society can actually support the level of stupidity that lurks among the citizenry. The enemy is within. Welcome to stupid America!

American MSM is a bit to blame in all this as well; that is to say, how they treat the coverage of these tragedies is to blame. One thing I noticed in following the coverage of the New Zealand massacre was the quickness of their law enforcement to state the blindingly obvious: the attack was a terror attack by domestic terrorists! Unfortunately, the stupidity of America routinely allows our MSM media to avoid such descriptions of similar attacks at home. When a white guy terrorizes Americans (e.g., Dylann Roof the Charleston church shooting, Robert Gregory Bowers the Tree of Life Congregation synagogue massacre, Cesar A. Sayoc Jr. the pipe bomb plotter, James Alex Fields Jr the Charlottesville car attacker, Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter, etc.) these people are regularly regarded as “lone wolves” or “extremists” or “mentally ill” by MSM. They are never regarded as domestic terrorists, and if they are it is with plenty of caution as to completely dilute the conviction with which they make the statement. It’s f***ing ridiculous. Welcome to stupid America where MSM is too afraid to state the obvious because I guess they don’t want to offend advertisers and hurt their ratings!

This is a country held hostage by the false illusions of unfettered capitalism. If slavery is America’s original sin then American-style capitalism is the second. Hello, morons of America! There is a relationship among current economic inequality, conservative’s antagonism of the white man’s status in society, and white nationalism. OMG! Am I the only one to understand this!?!?