Niger, Please!

Attribution: Bay News 9

Looks like Governor DeathSantis found his house n****r! Yes, Massa. Rights ways, Massa! I am sorry to be so crude, but one must call a spade a spade — so to speak — when one finds one. At any other time, RepubliKKKlans would call Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo an uppity dumb n****r born in Nigeria; normally, he would have no chance of being confirmed in such a purely racist state, but because he’s an anti-vaxxer, anti-masker Harvard graduate who serves the purposes of advancing the conservative culture wars while demonstrating DeathSantis is decidedly “not racist,” then he’s part of the good ole boys until he’s not. Whatever! A stupid state elected a stupid governor who nominates a stupid surgeon general who will dispense stupid medical advice and advance stupid public health policies that kill mostly RepubliKKKlans — though never enough — is fine by me. So, be my f***ing guest! Unfortunately, there are so many RepubliKKKlans in Florida that I don’t think any amount of public health mismanagement can kill enough RepubliKKKlan voters to swing the next election. One can only pray! Welcome to stupid America!