Nikki Haley Backs Traitor [T]rump — Naturally

According to CNN, “Not long ago, the former South Carolina governor was arguing that Donald Trump was too old, too chaotic, too ‘unhinged’ and too prone to temper tantrums to be president again and said he couldn’t beat President Joe Biden. ‘I feel no need to kiss the ring,’ Haley said in February before suspending her primary campaign. ‘My political future is of no concern.’… ‘So, I will be voting for Trump,’ said the former US ambassador to the United Nations, who served in the ex-president’s Cabinet.”

This, of course, is a surprise to no one at all. Indeed, this flip-flop is precisely why I stopped posting for the last several months and tempts me to go right back into hiatus, for nothing has changed. Nothing matters. Same sh*t, different day. The only thing that can be learned from this Haley endorsement is the same thing I’ve been saying for years at this point: There! Is! No! Such! Thing! As! A! Never-trumper! How many f***ing times must I say it before you f***tards believe me? RepubliKKKlans always come back to vote for their own — always. Without exception! To hell with the consequences and to hell with democracy. No one cares! Mark my words, f***tards.

Take Liz Cheney, the most well-known “never-trump” impersonator. According to Fox News, “Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney joined the hosts of ABC’s ‘The View’ on Wednesday and refused to commit to voting for President Biden in 2024, but said she would never vote for Donald Trump.” The same goes for John Bolton, who claims he’ll write in “Dick Cheney” for his presidential vote. And then Bill Barr, who said traitor trump is an existential threat to America’s Constitution, says he’ll vote for the neo-fascist dictator in training anyway because, you know, Biden is worse. [Kill! Me! Now!] All these people towed the “never-trump” line at some point, but none of them meant it. As I’ve been saying until I’m blue in the face, voting for anyone else other than Biden is a vote for traitor trump. A vote for traitor trump is, naturally, a vote for traitor trump. A vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for traitor trump. Writing in a name on the ballot is a vote for traitor trump. Not voting is a vote for traitor trump. There is only one way to claim a person is not voting for traitor trump, and that is to vote for Biden. No ifs, ands, or buts. But whatever! None of this matters. I live in stupid f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America — the dumbest place on Earth. I give up!