No FEMA for You!

Climate change strikes again across parts of climate-change-denying U.S.A. A record number of tornados destroy large swaths of land and property over Midwestern and Southern states in December. Small towns and farms will be left devastated. Of course, we all know want kind of politics permeates these areas. It is the same mentality that wants the government out of their lives, especially the federal government, and to that I say: Abso-f***ing-lutely! I have said this before and I’ll say it again. People should live the way they vote. So, for all those f***tard RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons out there, I say you get no federal help. No help from FEMA, no low-interest federal loans, no emergency assistance or housing from the federal government. You people who keep b*tching about the intrusiveness of the federal government are always the first ones with their hands out — Rand Paul who wrote a letter to Biden begging for some of that socialism! Naturally! Give me! Give me! Give me! I can’t take the stupid anymore! I say, if you voted for any RepubliKKKlan in the last election or traitor trump at any time, then f*** you! Go die as far as I’m concerned. I’ll even offer to give you a rebate of any federal tax dollars you feel that have been spent on helping “other” people in times of emergency because I promise you the amount of your “refund” will pale in comparison to the amount of money the rich blue states will send to parts of these poor red states to help you through this climate change event. It never f***ing fails! It’s always the giving rich blue states subsidizing the taker red states! To you conservatives who tout relying on your fellow neighbors for help in times of tragedy, I say fine. Please, by all means, look to your neighbors whose houses have been destroyed to help you with your destroyed house. Sure, go ahead. I am sure one collectively destroyed community will figure it out without help from the outside. Conservatives always preach that people should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and the Lord helps those who help themselves. So, good luck with that! I don’t want to help you, and I don’t want my tax dollars helping such RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron ingrates!