No Matter — Traitor [T]rump and Everyone Else Will Face No Consequences for Their Sedition

So! Whatever! I give up! Nothing is going to happen to traitor trump or MAGA morons or RepubliKKKlans. This will be yet another instance where he faces no consequences because traitor trump is absolutely right about one thing and that is he understands weakness; he rightly understands that dumbass Democrats are weak and RepubliKKKlans are supine sycophants! There is no red line that he will cross in which anything happens to him as a consequence; he just keeps going undeterred and emboldened. America is pathetic and weak!

In fact, traitor trump is going to pardon every single one of these traitors. Everyone who was part of the rebellion will be pardoned and no one will do a f***ing thing about it and no one will care! Mark my words on this one, f***tards! As usual, I can’t wait for nothing to happen beyond empty calls to do something no one is actually willing to do or beyond those wonderful “condemnations” by being “appalled” and “outraged” over traitor trump’s “surprising” actions and inactions! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid, all the time! Never-ending stupid in a country of f***tards!