No Preconditions!?!?

The AP reports, “U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY’-oh) says the Trump administration is willing to talk with Iran ‘with no preconditions,’ but he says the United States will continue its campaign of pressure against the Islamic Republic.” I actually had to pause for a moment to recover from my astonishment over this declaration. Who was the last person who said they would meet with Iran without preconditions? Who was it? Anyone? Anyone at all? Obama! That’s right. It was Obama who said he would negotiate with Iran without preconditions, and, of course, RepubliKKKlans crucified him for his naivete at the time. Naturally, here we are in stupid America where RepubliKKKlans have to destroy the progress of the “black man” only to travel down the same path. Un-f***ing-believable! And RepubliKKKlans will get away with it because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlan voters have absolutely no shame in their hypocrisy; as far as they are concerned if a Democrat does it then it’s inherently wrong, but when a RepubliKKKlan does it then it’s the next coming of Christ! Welcome to stupid America: 99.99% hypocrisy approved and counting! F*** me!