
No Vaccines for You!

According to NBC News, “Former President Donald Trump said that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would have a ‘big role in the administration’ if he wins on Tuesday, telling NBC News in a phone interview that he was open to some of his more controversial ideas. Kennedy, who ran for president as an independent this year before dropping his bid and endorsing Trump, has long spread conspiracies and falsehoods about vaccines and other public health matters. He has, for example, frequently claimed that vaccines are linked to autism, even though for decades, studies have debunked this theory. Asked Sunday whether banning certain vaccines would be an option during a second term, the former president didn’t rule it out. ‘Well I’m going to talk to [Kennedy] and talk to other people, and I’ll make a decision, but he’s a very talented guy and has strong views,’ Trump said. Trump declined to talk about specific roles Kennedy might play in his administration, but in recent public appearances, Trump has made clear that he is envisioning a prominent role for him.”

This is where an immensely f***ing G.D. stupid country is about to f*** around and find out — the hard way. Let’s just be clear: Neither RFK nor traitor Trump will explicitly ban vaccinations, but they would withdraw FDA approval. And what does that mean? Well, it means insurance companies will no longer cover vaccines that are not approved by the FDA. I guess the question is, What vaccines will lose the government’s blessing? Surely, COVID. And maybe every other childhood vaccination. RFK thinks childhood vaccinations cause autism. (They don’t!) So, good luck with that, f***tards! I suppose people can get around unapproved drugs by invoking the Right to Try Act. In the meantime, a vaccine that was free or required a di minimus co-pay suddenly costs hundreds of dollars because the insurance companies can get away with charging exorbitant prices. So, much for lowering Rx prices. Parents — smart ones, at least — will still want their children to be vaccinated against diseases like polio! Make childhood diseases great again! This is the government you morons are about to elect. Fantastic! Did I mention the RFK is not even a medical doctor? Eh, whatever! Nothing matters! Welcome to stupid America!