None of This Matters

Politico reports, “President Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed his predecessor as ‘grossly incompetent,’ a day after former President Barack Obama said leaders weren’t ‘even pretending to be in charge’ amid the coronavirus pandemic.” None of this matters. Why? Because America is a bunch of f***tards! If traitor trump says Obama was an incompetent predecessor then Americans collectively nod in agreement as the current Idiot-in-Chief f***s up the pandemic left, right, and center! Tens of thousands of people are dying and the economy is collapsing yet most Americans are giving traitor trump a pass. Mark my words, morons! This disaster has bearly impacted traitor trump’s approval ratings which is beyond incomprehensible, but then again this is the dumbest country on the planet, so nothing can hurt the current moron in the White House. Everyday evinces traitor trump’s incompetence and enough voters in enough of the right states think he is the best thing since sliced bread, and that is enough to get him another four years. Mark! My! Words! It’s just so f***ing obvious! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid all the time!