North Carolina Special Election Bellwether

From Axios, “Bishop’s win against McCready, a centrist who ultimately raised more money than his Republican counterpart, could be an optimistic sign for the GOP as they eye taking back the House in 2020. However, Bishop only won by 2 percentage points in a district that hasn’t been held by Democrats since 1963, the New York Times notes.” Ugh! If I have to hear one more political commentator/pundit say how the RepubliKKKlan close-call win in North Carolina’s 9th district is a bad sign for traitor trump in 2020 then I’m going to go f***ing postal. Hello, f***ing morons! How many times must I say it? How many f***ing times? Traitor trump is activating his base just as much as Democrats and while Democrats may be making gains, it will not be enough. A win is a win is a win. Close does not f***ing count. What have I been saying for months now? A tie goes to the incumbent. Mark my words, morons. Absent a complete economic meltdown (which is not going to happen) independent voters will go into that f***ing voting booth and decide traitor trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. This is not a “rock the boat” country. This is not a country that does big, bold things. This is a country too afraid to make changes, so traitor trump will squeak by with another win, no matter who the Democratic nominee. Welcome to stupid America!