
Not Even I Saw This Coming

According to CNN, “Alabama’s Republican attorney general said in a court filing that he has the right to prosecute people who make travel arrangements for pregnant women to have out-of-state abortions. In a court filing Monday, attorneys for Attorney General Steve Marshall wrote that providing transportation for women in Alabama to leave the state to get an abortion could amount to a ‘criminal conspiracy.’… ‘Alabama can no more regulate out-of-state abortions than another state can deem its laws legalizing abortions to apply to Alabama,’ the Yellowhammer Fund lawsuit argues.” But of course! Nearly two years ago, I predicted that once Roe was gone, then states would start restricting women from traveling out of state to obtain an abortion. (See me post First Abortions, Then Freedom of Movement.) That was a no-brainer prediction given the zeitgeist of extremism flourishing in America today, but I failed to foresee that RepubliKKKlans would prosecute people for helping women seeking legal abortions in other states. Stupid me! Yet, I am not surprised, only frustrated that I failed to imagine the most extreme government overreach from RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. People get the government they deserve and desire.

Look, f***tards! I’ve said this countless times and often: Let it happen! Let all these restrictions happen. Let RepubliKKKlans prosecute women seeking abortions and jail people helping them. Let red states try to sue citizens of blue states for assisting legally permissible abortions. Moreover, Democrats should bar women from red states seeking abortions in blue states. I say let women in RepubliKKKlan-led states suffer the consequences of abortion bans! Oh, yes! You heard me correctly. I say these women are on their f***ing own! How can I be pro-choice yet insist women in red states seeking abortion access should be denied help in blue states? Because these red-state citizens need to fix their own f***ing political mess at home instead of fleeing to another state to regain their right to privacy and healthcare. I am so f***ing sick of people in red states running off to blue states to solve their problems instead of voting for Democrats at home. Because, again, people get the government they deserve and desire! Either throw RepubliKKKlans out of office or move to a blue state, but don’t come to a Democratic-lead state with your hand out looking for help only to return home to your red state to re-elect RepubliKKKlans hell-bent on taking away your freedoms! F*** that! Stay home and use a coathanger. I f***ing mean it! Welcome to stupid America!