Not Hard to See at All, Morons

From CNN, “The affair, centering on Trump’s contacts with a leader of a mystery foreign nation — identified in two reports as Ukraine — has also injected a toxic element into relations among the President, the intelligence community and Congress. It is hard to see how any of this ends well.” It is hard to see how any of this ends well? Is this person a f***ing G.D. moron? This will end perfectly well for traitor trump because dumbass Democrats are weak and stupid, so they will let this incident slide like the dozens of others before it. This will get stuck in the courts and amount to nothing. People need to start being held with inherent contempt of Congress, but no. It won’t happen. I’m over it! Dumbass Democrats lost the day after they were sworn into the House majority. They are incapable of doing anything to hold traitor trump accountable. Welcome to trump stupid America where dumbass Democrats are useless.