From NBC News, “The FBI on Wednesday shot and killed a Utah man who allegedly made online threats to kill President Joe Biden and New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg while serving a warrant at his Provo home, officials said. The suspect was identified in charging documents obtained by NBC News as Craig Deleeuw Robertson. Robertson allegedly made a threat Monday that referenced the president’s trip to Utah this week, saying he needed to prepare his camouflage and sniper rifle.” I say, good! The man deserved it. In fact, I will contend that we are not killing enough MAGA morons. These people are the enemies of the state, and good Americans really should start targeting and executing MAGA morons where ever they are. Those MAGA red hats should serve as targets. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evile evangleicals, and QAnon kooks need to die to save America!