Nothing Matters and No One Cares, F***tards!

I can’t believe that I have the absolute, unmitigated misfortune to be alive in what history will no doubt record as the dumbest period in American history, not to mention the point when America collectively decided that democracy was simply too much work to sustain. F*** my life! Truly, I live in an era where America just doesn’t f***ing care and nothing matters. Despite whatever traitor trump does or says, nothing moves these f***ards of America. No matter the warnings from everyone, nothing f***ing sways people. Allow me to compile a partial and vastly incomplete list, in no particular order:

  • Traitor trump has said he wants to be a dictator on day one (only for a day as if dictators are so magnanimous as to give up power once they have it), and no one cares.
  • He has said on more than one occasion that he wants to use the military and Department of Justice to go after his political enemies, and people blow off his comments because no one cares.
  • He prefers Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Orban, and any other democracy-hating world leaders to the leaders of America’s allies, and America seems to love him more for it. Nothing matters!
  • He mishandled the COVID response left, right, and center, yet this sh*t-for-brains country still thinks he’s an effective leader. No one cares!
  • He drove up the national debt as a percentage of the total by more than any other president in our history, but morons of America think he’s a genius businessman. Nothing matters.
  • His mendacity is off the charts — on a daily and almost minutely basis — but people think he’s the most trustworthy politician since George Washington. Nothing matters.
  • He instigated an insurrection to steal the election by force and relished a mob storming the Capitol — the first time since the War of 1812 — and people don’t care.
  • He’s a convicted felon on charges of fraud; no one cares.
  • Hundreds of economists warn that his economic plan (e.g., tariffs) would be a disaster for the country and raise taxes; people put on their blinders, and no one cares.
  • The same economists say Harris’s plans (vision) for America’s economy would benefit the country more, but people refuse to believe them. Nothing matters.
  • Hundreds of former traitor trump administration officials and RepubliKKKlan politicians warn against a second traitor trump term and instead support Harris, but no one cares; it matters not.
  • Hundreds of generals and other military top brass warn that traitor trump is a national security threat; people don’t care.
  • Traitor trump calls all those who don’t support him the “enemy within,” and he has no issue with using the military to go after them, and this is the reaction of people: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. No one cares.
  • He touts mass deportation, which will destroy the economy, and people cheer him on. Nothing matters.
  • He singlehandedly ended constitutional protections for abortions, and women love him more for it because no one cares.
  • He’ll end the ACA; eh, so what? No one cares.
  • Traitor trump talks like a fascist; it doesn’t matter.
  • He intends to dismantle the function of the federal government as we know it, and people will be very surprised when those services and operations they have relied on and take for granted are no longer available, which, to be sure, will negatively impact other aspects of people’s lives; yet no one cares.
  • He thinks climate change is a hoax and intends to roll back any and all regulations and advances we’ve made on the issue to benefit big oil — as hurricanes and other global warming-driven weather events ravage more and more areas of the country. No one cares.
  • America is going backward, and with another traitor trump term, our freedoms will be further eroded, and our democracy further weakened, and people love the idea of a strongman because no one f***ing cares about democracy anymore.
  • Traitor trump will give Ukraine to Russia and Taiwan to China, and no one cares.
  • He’s threatened and continues to threaten Iran with war, yet people think traitor trump is a man of peace. Nothing matters to this sh*t-for-brains country.
  • He’ll pull us out of NATO — the international cooperative defense organization that has guarded against a world war for 80 years. People don’t care.
  • The man has been held liable for sexual assault. No one cares.
  • Traitor trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people”; no one cares.
  • His “signature tax cut” legislation benefited big corporations and the uber-wealthy more than the middle class. Those corporate tax cuts are permanent. The others expire in 2025. Nothing matters.
  • He altered a map of Hurricane Dorian’s path with a sharpie so he could prove to everyone he was “right” about its impact on Alabama. (The hurricane never reached Alabama). He was gaslighting America — again — and no one cares.
  • He sided with Putin over America’s own intelligence services, and no one cares.
  • He illegally retained top secret files after he left office and carelessly stored them and, in some cases, shared them with others. No one cares. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump personally and illegally interfered with the 2020 Georgia election count; no one cares.
  • He separated children from their parents of immigrants and held them in overcrowded concentration camps (i.e., cages); no one cares.
  • Mexico never paid for that wall; in fact, he took money from the military to “build the wall,” which turned out to be a few, scant miles of new construction. In some cases, private companies built the wall, which failed and ended up being a big grift headed up by traitor trump supporters, but nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump is now the old man in the race, but no one cares. It was a campaign-ending issue for Biden, but not for traitor trump. Nothing matters.
  • He rambles, is incoherent at times, and clearly shows signs of cognitive deterioration. No one cares. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump spent a full 25 percent of his time on the golf course while in office. No one cares.
  • He called people who died in the military suckers and losers, and people loved him for it. Nothing matters.
  • He couldn’t be bothered to visit the cemetery at Normandy to pay his respects to the fallen men of World War II because it was raining. No one cares.
  • He avoided military service in Vietnam because of “bone spurs.” The guy is literally a draft dodger, but the military loves him. Nothing matters!
  • He wanted to have a military parade, a la North Korea, because, you know, that’s the kind of country he wants us to be. He dreams of a military dictatorship, and no one cares.
  • He wanted to nuke hurricanes as a means to stop them. Nothing matters!
  • Traitor trump wanted to shoot George Floyd protestors. Eh, nothing matters.
  • He’s a racist. No one cares.
  • The guy is a grifter, hawking shoes, watches, “trading” cards, coins, crypto, shirts, hats, scraps of his suit, Bibles for Christ’s sake, other tchotchkes, and more. No one cares.
  • He mocked people with disabilities. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump has a f***ing mugshot! Nothing matters.
  • He sent scarce COVID testing machines to Putin when Americans needed them more. No one cares.
  • During the insurrection on the Capitol, he watched and stood by doing nothing for three hours. Nothing matters!
  • Traitor trump said he wants to terminate the Constitution. No one cares. Trust me, this sh*t-for-brains country just doesn’t f***ing care.

Now, many, many Americans, especially MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, will tell you traitor trump is just blustering; he doesn’t mean it. It’s just talk; don’t worry. My response to that is if you have not learned yet that traitor trump does not jest, he says what he means and means what he says, especially when he’s being hateful and cruel, and he’s a fascist in body, mind, and soul, then you are either a complete and utter retard or you love what he says. In either case, an America in this condition cannot endure. It simply cannot. Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming, and no one cares!