
From CNN, “‘The most straightforward reading applies: the mandate is a command. Using that meaning, the individual mandate is unconstitutional,’ Wednesday’s ruling states.” I have not read the opinion; however, clearly this is a cross between RepubliKKKlan judges who hate progressive ideas and want to invalidate the law yet at the same time don’t want to be responsible for taking away people’s health care; hence, they declare the individual mandate unconstitutional but do not completely invalidate the law. Rather, they actually stall for time by kicking it back to the lower court to adjudicate a finer legal question of the case — can the individual mandate, now considered unconstitutional, be severed from the rest of the law? Read: now that we’ve said this part is unconstitutional find a way to declare the rest of the provisions of the law (i.e., the popular ones) constitutional. I don’t have to be a legal scholar to understand RepubliKKKlan judges are playing political games with people’s lives.

Moreover, I find CNN’s quote especially hypocritical as if the federal government has no power to command. They command I pay taxes. They commanded that I register for selective service at age 18 — which I did on my birthday — and if I were drafted that I go to war and sacrifice my life. They command I participate in the census every 10 years for which there is a penalty if I don’t and get caught. My state commands I buy car insurance. Government makes many commands and now suddenly RepubliKKKlans are up in arms over commanding people do something for which there is absolutely no penalty if they do not — pecuniary or otherwise? What? Like RepubliKKKlans are offended by their conscience if they decide not to buy health insurance and technically break the law? RepubliKKKlans by definition hate the government and the law, except for the First and Second Amendments — those are the only parts of the Constitution for which they care. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons have no conscience. Just pure hypocrisy. As usual, RepubliKKKlans want to destroy everything, but not get blamed for doing so. I wish they would just all die — heart attack, cancer, bus, long walk off short peer — I’m not picky! There is not a day that I do not pray every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron dies! Welcome to stupid America.