Of Course, He Did

From Axios, “Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was publicly accused of another sexual misconduct allegation Saturday, which was allegedly reported to the FBI during his 2018 confirmation process but not investigated by the bureau, the New York Times reports.” I have no doubt all these stories are true; there is simply too much smoke for there not to be a fire. As a result, America has an unrepentant sexual assaulter sitting on the highest court of the land for the next 30 years thanks to RepubliKKKlans. It doesn’t matter if these “accusations” are dismissed merely as “youthful indiscretions.” These incidents demonstrate a deep character flaw. I certainly never felt the urge to become a sexual predator as a drunk youth, but I guess some people do and that seems to be perfectly acceptable with RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons so long as their guy votes to limit and reverse the rights and protections of minorities. Naturally, dumbass Democrats, as usual, will fail to capitalize on this information, and they will fail to impeach “Justice” Kavanaugh if they ever regain control of government (or their spines) because this is stupid America where we just live with the consequences of bad decisions instead of actually f***ing fixing them! No matter what! Democrats should be delegitimizing SCOTUS with every f***ing breath. It should be a central topic in every Democratic campaign. But they won’t and it won’t be. Ugh! Welcome to trump stupid America! All dumb all the time!