Of Course, He Never Wanted the Job

From a fascinating article in the New York Magazine, “This person, who speaks to the president often — or, more accurately, who listens and says uh-huh as the president speaks — said that Trump is not just done for, but done. ‘He wants to lose. He’s out of money. He worries about being arrested. He worried about being assassinated,’ they said. ‘It hasn’t been a great experience for him. He likes showing people around the White House, but the actual day-to-day business of being president? It’s been pretty unpleasant for him. … He’s afraid. He’s the most insecure, afraid person ever. He’s too afraid to be president. He’s afraid to exercise power. He’s afraid to do the job. It’s why he’s overbearing and crazy — he sabotages himself constantly because he hates himself and wants out. He’s always trying to hurt himself. That guy commits more self-harm than anyone I’ve ever encountered.’”

Of course! It’s all true! All of it! Traitor trump never wanted to be president; that is well documented. He only wanted the appearance of being the president. He hates the job and doesn’t do it — he golfs! He is lazy and stupid and could not possibly care any less about America or Americans. He only cares about himself and the show. All of this has been evident to everyone for the last four years, except, of course, for the hoards of incomprehensible MAGA morons roaming the country. Just when I thought I could start regaining some trust in the citizens of America I am reminded that I am surrounded by f***tards. I am reminded that almost half of the country is beyond stupid to the point where they really should be culled from the herd because their stupidity is killing the rest of us — SARS 2! Masks! Freedom! A record level of daily infections with record daily deaths soon to follow. But whatever! F*** me! It is still astonishing to me that more than 72 million f***tards look up to traitor trump’s (non) performance as president — a job he’s been signaling from the moment he was sworn into office that he does not want — and conclude, “Yeah, four more years, please!” Everywhere f***tards. F***tards everywhere. Of course, traitor trump is a sore loser who has been hiding in the White House pouting, and he’s essentially given up doing his job. Yet, he is the person 72 million morons saw fit to re-elect! I can’t f***ing take the stupid anymore. F*** me, again! Please, dear Lord! Biden, unleash the Einsatzgruppen! Welcome to stupid America. Biden won but it’s still stupid all the m*****f***ing time!