From RawStory, “A 17-year-old accused of stabbing to death O’Shae Sibley as he danced outside a Brooklyn gas station was described by his lawyer as a ‘good Christian boy,” PIX 11 reported. Dmitry Popov is being tried as an adult on multiple charges, including murder and a hate crime. He’s accused of stabbing Sibley, who is gay, after seeing him vogueing in the parking lot of the gas station on July 29. Speaking to PIX 11 after a court hearing Monday, Popov’s attorney said his client is a ‘good Christian boy,’ not Muslim as a witness claimed. Attorney Mark Pollard said Popov’s parents are from Russia, he works two jobs and has never been in trouble before.”
Of course, this family is from Russia. Of course, they are! For those crossing the southern border illegally to seek out a better life in America, I’ve always said congratulations if you make it over. But people coming from Russia? No f***ing way! Get the f*** out! You are hated here! Go back from where you came because we don’t want your vermin kind infecting America with your conservative disease. We’ve got enough problems with our own homegrown RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. We don’t Russians living here and exacerbating America’s hate issues.
I guess I used to be rather indifferent about Russian citizens, believing they were stuck in a no-win situation by their misfortune of being born in Putin’s Russia. But with the invasion of Ukraine, all my sympathy has gone right out the window. These people get the government they deserve and desire, and apparently, they love their dictatorship and they love an oppressive government that criminalizes and dehumanizes the LGBTQ community. But they can’t bring that sh*t to America! If these immigrants can’t adapt to America’s culture, then they can get the f*** out! Take your f***ing hatred back to Mother Russia and die there! This Popov kid should be murdered for his hate crime; he shouldn’t make it to trial. I’m all for vigilante street justice in this case. Kill him in the jail or on the streets. I don’t care.
And a final point, if I may. These Russian folks are infecting every part of the planet. They come to our country with their outdated conservative values routed in the Orthodox Church and longing for the days of Tzarist Russia or Stalin’s U.S.S.R. where — you know — all minorities are repressed. They’re doing it in America, and they’re doing it in Israel. Do you know why Israel is making a hard right turn in their politics? Because there has been a large influx of ultra-orthodox Jewish immigrants from — wait for it — Russia! So, they are diluting the power of liberals and moderates in what used to be a relatively tolerant Israeli state. Not anymore. Russians — no matter where they live on the planet — are a sickness, and we need to begin considering how to eliminate them from the planet before they invade another nation. Kill Russians however and where ever you can!