Of Course, I’m Right — Again, Again, Again

According to CNN, “A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.” I knew it! I f***ing knew it! I f***ing said last month that people haven’t yet realized SARS 2 is far more contagious than first believed. Even though studies have already warned about the aerosolization potential of the virus, now it seems what theoretically could happen in a laboratory is actually happening in the real world. There is no other explanation for this virus spreading so f***ing fast — everywhere. I’m far from a doctor or scientist, but even I am smart enough to understand that SARS 2 is spreading like f***ing wildfire. Either infected people are routinely picking their nose, coughing into their open hand, not covering their sneezes, and/or basically always practicing very poor hygiene as they touch everything and everyone else, which admittedly probably accounts for 75% of disease transmission and only re-inforces my disgust of people in general — but I digress — or people are being more careful and mindful of their filthy hands and habits, yet the virus is still spreading because it’s being transmitted through mere talking and breathing. My guess is that the virus persists on surfaces longer than experts currently suspect as well. I said mark my words and I was right. So, mark them now again!