Of Course, Sadism Will Work, F***tards!

If I have to hear one more political f***tard pundit declare that DeSantis’ immigration stunt (in a long list of other political hijinx) is going to backfire on him, then I’m going to go postal. For some still unexplainable notion, dumbass Democrats keep wanting to believe that RepubliKKKlans like DeSantis and Abbott have overplayed their hands and that they will lose the support of their constituents. Of course, that’s always been wrong “thinking.” These people are experts at owning the “libs,” and right on cue, the liberals and progressives play right into their hands. All one needs to do is look at any recent poll of the upcoming races in Florida and Texas for governor to understand that RepubliKKKlans are going to walk away in their re-election bids. But how or why? Dumbfounded and perennially naive Democrats keep asking. The answer is straightforward: People love the cruelty and the hate and owning the libs. It’s that f***ing simple. So, stop expecting RepubliKKKlan and Independent voters to care, for they do not. They love sadism. DeSantis and Abbott keep sending buses and planes despite the “negative” media coverage. They do it because they are scoring valuable political points. Mark my words, f***tards!

As The Daily Beast writes, “But it is also notable that many other GOP’ leaders’ have refused to criticize DeSantis’ and Abbott’s performative sadism, apparently believing that, in the GOP’s ongoing Trump era, forthrightly taking joy in the suffering of the weak is actually a winning political strategy. … GOP weathervanes like these guys apparently believe that the lesson of the Trump era is that sadism wins elections. … Now, many in the GOP seek to ‘move beyond Trump’ by replacing him with a supremely non-charismatic and thoroughly disagreeable figure, who seems only to come alive while coming up with new ways to performatively humiliate and harm the vulnerable. The GOP, therefore, appears to be on the verge of a political science experiment with very high stakes: Testing whether sadism can become the foundation for political success. If they are wrong, the Republican Party may be heading into a political abyss. If they are right, the country is going there.”

The column’s author provided some weak “evidence” that sadism as a political foundation does not work, yet the same author feels compelled to end his article with a warning. So, which is it? Sadism doesn’t work to get votes or watch out because it will bring down the country. I hate these ambivalent, weak, “thoughtful” opinion pieces. Either make a convincing argument and defend it or don’t, but don’t say one thing and then end with a warning to the contrary. I’m telling all you f***tards out there that sadism and cruelty will work — it got traitor trump elected. (And just as a germane reminder for the morons of America out there, traitor trump was well on track to get re-elected. The only reason he did not is because he mishandled COVID — badly. That’s the only reason. Notwithstanding the pandemic, people were more than willing to give him another four years to inflict his cruelty and stupidity upon America.) But whatever! This is how and why the worst governors in the country keep getting elected and re-elected because it’s the hate and fear, stupid. I give up! Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming!