According to Raw Story, “The whole narrative of Tea Party failure is wrong, in my opinion. While Tea Party organizations proclaimed high-minded principles of fiscal restraint, I don’t think that complex budgetary issues or particular readings of the Constitution motivate masses of voters. Today’s Republican Party is entirely in the hands of Trump, he completely ignores adherence to the Constitution and maintaining a balanced budget, and Tea Partiers are delirious with joy. The enthusiasts who scream at Trump rallies are the same people who signed on to the Contract from America in 2010. Trump embodies their real core beliefs: white supremacy; opposition to abortion rights, gay marriage, transgender people and anything that appears to deviate from their mythology of the “traditional family”; opposition to government regulation of private business, but support for government intrusion into private life; opposition to gender equality.”
Yeah, I’m not sure what f***tard actually believes that the Tea Party ever died — they changed their name in the House to the “Freedom Caucus” which, of course, is code for the freedom to discriminate against the gays and colored people. The author of the article is exactly right, but I take it even one step further: the Tea Party is not only the RepubliKKKlan Party and the traitor trump Party, but it is the essence of America! I’m telling all the f***ing morons in America out there that like to think America is the shining city on the hill — it is not! It is a nation of hate, but at least I hate the right people: MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and Evangelicals. Hate is a fantastic motivator; it should get peop0le to the polls more. Oh, that’s right. It does — the wrong people. That’s the problem with progressives. They don’t hate enough! They’re too busy forgiving and not voting. F*** that. Hate! Don’t forgive! And f***ing vote Democratic! If I’ve said once then I’ve said it countless times before: hating MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and Evangelicals is like hating cancer. I don’t see how it can possibly be wrong! Once we purge all of these people from America then it will be that shining city on a hill, even though this is a biblical reference.
Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise — and now Tulsi ads, who is a see you next Tuesday Russian useful idiot! That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!