Of Course, Traitor Trump Is Not Going Anywhere Least of All Jail

On Morning Joe, “’That’s not what they think,’ Costa added. ‘He’s not going away. There’s a growing acceptance, while he may be at Mar-A-Lago in 2021, he will not run from the scene. He may prepare to run in 2024. Even if he doesn’t, he’s going to be meddling in primary races in 2022, so many of these Republicans are operating sometimes out of loyalty, sometimes to be sharing in the theatrics of the moment and sometimes out of fear.’” I have always respected Bop Costa as a reporter because he has inside access to Congress and the White House like no other. His analysis is sober, unquestionably unbiased, and usually correct.

Of course, traitor trump is not going anywhere after he leaves office. He will be the kingmaker of a corrupt, mentally damaged, and delusional RepubliKKKlan Party, who — make absolutely no mistake — love him! And all this f***ing G.D. nonsense I keep hearing from dumbass Democrats, morons on the left, pundits, and political commentators in the MSM about traitor trump facing lawsuits and criminal investigations at the state level after he leaves office is driving me f***ing G.D. nuts. All these hopes and expectations that traitor trump or members of his crime family are going to jail is nothing but stupid think of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order. As I said, traitor trump is not going anywhere — jail, Russia, into hiding, or otherwise. New York is not going to pursue the cases against him hard enough and long enough to jail him. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump will tie these matters up in court for years! New York has no interest in jailing him; they just want their money, so eventually, these cases and lawsuits will get settled out of court, signaling — naturally! — that the rich and powerful will get away with it — whatever it may be — again! Traitor trump has been getting away with it all his life and this will be no different because Democrats usually fail to prosecute political bad actors to the fullest extent of the law as they should. But whatever. No one has ever accused Democrats of having a backbone! No president — current or former — is ever going to be jailed! Period! Full! F***ing! Stop! This is a consequence-free country where anything goes, especially when it comes to RepubliKKKlans. Witness four years of the traitor trump presidency. So, get ready for traitor trump to influence RepubliKKKlan politics until he dies, which, of course, is never soon enough because God loves irony! Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re not done with him yet, if ever!