Of Couse, I nailed It!

From The Hill, “New public opinion polls are moving against Democrats on impeachment as independents sour on the House inquiry and increasingly express opposition to the hearings that have consumed Washington in recent weeks.” I knew it! I f***ing knew it! I knew the public hearings would be a flop. It’s not difficult to predict that dumbass Democrats would f*** this up because they are f***ing weak and feckless idiots. Despite strong evidence and witnesses, dumbass Democrats allowed RepubliKKKlans to muck-up the proceedings by blatantly lying before, during, and after each testimony. Watching Schiff sit there with a straight face — a blank stare — while Nunes et al. just f***ing lie at every moment was beyond infuriating! Schiff couldn’t even send subtle indications of indignation over what he allowed to proceed. One would think that if someone was being personally attached he would at the very least show some emotion, some fight back. Oh, but wait! These are dumbass Democrats where decorum at the expense of losing is more important. F*** me! This is why people like traitor trump because at least he fights back; dumbass Democrats, on the other hand, do nothing! Welcome to stupid America! We’re f***ed because dumbass Democrats are weak! I’m so f***ing over it!