Oh, Please! As If!

Also from The Hill, “The fate of former national security adviser Michael Flynn lies in the hands of a federal judge with an established reputation of being a fiercely independent thinker. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, who was appointed to the bench in 1994 by former President Clinton, will determine whether to grant the request by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to drop charges against Flynn. For now, though, he is seeking additional information about the unprecedented reversal request before making a decision.” Oh, here we go again with people thinking a conservative judge is going to save the rule of law! What a f***ing G.D. joke. And, of course, progressives and dumbass Democrats are falling all over each other believing this “fiercely independent thinker” is going to do anything other than what the traitor trump administration wishes. No, what they demand.

May I remind morons that this is the same judge who delayed the sentencing of Flynn because he wondered why the government wasn’t considering charges of treason. It is that delay that started the entire process that has resulted in the situation today. The judge opened the door for the defense to buy time, play games, change lawyers, and change strategy. As a result, Fynn and the DOJ ran right through it! At this point, the judge is just making everyone run through hoops to provide the veneer of due diligence and “justice” when he ultimately will grant the government’s request to dismiss the case. Although, he is perfectly entitled to deny the request and go right to sentencing, but that will never happen. So, under this judge who suggested Flynn is a traitor to America, he will allow him to go free. Yup! Welcome to stupid America. In the end, no one cares! It’s been one long train wreck of destroying America’s foundations and Americans have become experts at doing this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. It’s all stupid all the time!