
Ohio ‘State Issue 1’

According to The Washington Post, “Issue 1 is a ballot measure that seeks to make it more difficult to amend the state’s constitution through — yes — future ballot initiatives. Currently, a ballot initiative in Ohio needs a simple majority to pass. If Issue 1 passes, that threshold would be raised to 60 percent of the vote. The proposal also would impose more stringent requirements on how signatures are gathered for ballot initiative campaigns. Campaigns must gather enough signatures to equal 5 percent of the votes cast for governor from 44 of the 88 counties in Ohio. Issue 1’s passing would mean campaigns would have to gather that same percentage of signatures from all 88 counties to get a citizen-led initiative on the ballot.”

Let me see if I understand this correctly: Tomorrow, Ohioans will vote on a ballot measure to raise the standards (make it more difficult) to amend their state constitution, which includes increasing the election threshold from 50 percent plus one to 60 percent plus one, but this “State Issue 1” only required 50 percent plus one to pass. In short, current voters want to make it more difficult for future voters to change the Ohio state constitution by altering the standard from a simple majority to a supermajority. So, voters want to knee cap themselves. Got it! Sounds about right!

The question really is this: Are there enough f***tards and checked-out morons to make this happen? I’m going out on a limb here and say, but, of course, there are. The cynical and contrarian side of me cannot offer any other outcome. Look, idiots! There is a reason why this ballot measure is happening now. Obstenbily, the RepubliKKKlan majority who runs the state — and has for at least the last decade — would have moronic voters believe this is just long overdue legislative housekeeping, that making it harder to amend the constitution is necessary — right now — and has nothing to do with the abortion amendment question that will show up on the ballot in November. They would have their idiot citizenry believe this explanation despite RepubliKKKlans breaking their own law, which bans August elections. As NBC News writes, “Earlier this year, Ohio Republicans enacted a law that effectively scrubbed August special elections from the state’s calendar, calling them overly expensive, low-turnout endeavors that weren’t worth the trouble. But then, just earlier this month, Ohio state legislative Republicans went ahead and scheduled an August election this year that could make it harder for abortion-rights supporters to amend the state constitution later.” Always so funny how RepubliKKKlans are the party of law and order until it doesn’t suit their needs; then all of a sudden it’s “deep state” or what stink’n laws?

Will their gambit work? Hell yes! For the reasons RepubliKKKlans understand all too well: A low turnout election always helps the RepubliKKKlan Party because people are stupid, clueless, and generally don’t care, except for conservatives who are hellbent on never passing up an opportunity to suppress other people’s rights. August is the doldrums month of politics. Congress is always on extended recess, which means so are state legislatures. Parents are checked out as they finish their vacation right before their kids return to school. College students are readying a return to university. August is the unofficial final month of summer, so people are simply not thinking about or engaged in politics, let alone motivated to get their lazy buttocks to the polls to preserve their rights — that only happens every four years in November. (Most people don’t even realize elections happen outside of November.) Inherently, the political will of August voters is on the side of RepubliKKKlans. So I have no doubt what Ohio voters will do. Welcome to stupid America!