
Old People Should Just Die — Quickly

From CNN, “It was a dark day for the world Tuesday. We awoke to find the President of the United States using his massive social media presence to mock a child whose only crime was trying to make the world better (and to maintain its existence).” Seriously! What good are senior citizens for the progress of the world? In a democracy, they are an outsized voting block with an outsized level of influence who do nothing but retard progress. The future belongs to the youth yet it’s old people that vote to keep everything the way it was when they were young, e.g., climate change. The only thing old people should be allowed to vote on are issues related to retirement, pensions, and healthcare. That’s it! They absolutely should get no say about the future or progress of the world — their wisdom is probably worn out but they can advise (maybe). They’ve had their day, so let their children and grandchildren determine the future. At their age, they are merely allowed to come along for the ride. The last thing they should be is f***ing president — traitor trump, Biden, Sanders. (It’s always voting for the least worst.) Of course, they can always get off the ride, if they so choose. I’m sure there are plenty of guns around to facilitate that decision. This is stupid America after all where there are more guns than citizens.