OMG — I Agree with Tom Cotton

According to The Hill, “Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called on President Biden to ‘destroy every Taliban fighter’ near Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, until U.S. personnel are safe. ‘The fiasco in Afghanistan wasn’t just predictable, it was predicted. Joe Biden’s ill-planned retreat has now humiliated America and put at risk thousands of Americans left in Kabul,’ Cotton said in a statement Saturday. ‘At a minimum, President Biden must unleash American air power to destroy every Taliban fighter in the vicinity of Kabul until we can save our fellow Americans. Anything less will further confirm Joe Biden’s impotence to the world,’ Cotton added. … Cotton’s criticism of the president’s decision echoes that of his GOP colleagues including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) who warned of a takeover from the Taliban.”

I agree and I nailed it! (Of course, I did.) RepubliKKKlans are already calling Biden incompetent — and he is. Biden is weak — I’ve been saying it for months now — and incompetent. Dumbass Democrats are so f***ing screwed. Mark my words! And now I will go one step further: This Afghanistan disaster just made Biden a one-term president. Mark my words, morons. I don’t give one G.D. f*** what the opinion polls said about Americans wanting out of Afghanistan. What Americans don’t want is to be continuously embarrassed on the world stage, and if that means voting out Biden after the embarrassment of traitor trump then that is what will happen. (God help us if the next election is between Biden and traitor trump because we know what happens when the American people are faced with choosing between strong and wrong versus weak and right, or worse still strong and wrong versus weak and wrong.) Biden cannot recover from this because Afghanistan will spend the rest of his presidency getting worse.

Then we have these pundits and administration officials who keep trying to mitigate the likelihood of an ensuing disaster by arguing that if the Taliban wants to be recognized (or aided) by the international community, then they cannot govern as they did 20 years ago. Are you f***ing kidding me? Do these f***tards really think the Taliban fears not being recognized by the international community? OMG. I can’t with the stupid anymore. Look, f***tards. The Taliban does not care. They are going to pick up right where they left off on 10 September 2001, whether they are recognized or not. Clearly, if any countries are going to recognize the Taliban regime then they will be our enemies. What a f***ing G.D. joke! America spent 20 years restoring and building up the nation, and now the Taliban is walking right in to take over a country with upgrades and better infrastructure (and now U.S. military equipment) than when they were overthrown. Thanks, America — idiots! Welcome to stupid America — weak and stupid as ever. We’ve just created one more enemy state on steroids. Just another disgraceful day of humiliation for America! We stopped caring here.