
Wow! What a f***ing G.D. MSM joke of the highest f***ing order. I’ve been attentive to news reports over the holiday weekend about this new variant, and all I have been able to discern is the MSM’s attempt to simultaneously gin up fear and calm in the same segment. Indeed, I heard contradictions from the same guest doctor. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in the American news culture of fear can this happen. To be sure, given the lack of evidence, news anchors and celebrity doctors (excluding Dr. Fauci), alike, are all over the board with their opinions on what Omicron means for the pandemic — from it could be worse than Delta to it could be another Lambda which originated in Peru and basically went nowhere. I am starting to see how the average person can be confused by pandemic messaging because the MSM is latching onto the first (and every) tidbit of meaningless information and ill-informed opinion. Now, I’m not saying Omicron is something not to be concerned about, for this variant contains many more mutations in the spike protein than any other single variant, which really does define how the virus interacts with one’s cells and immune system; however, at this point, be wary but don’t panic until the science is in even though the MSM wants to portend doom no matter what because that’s what people want. Americans seem to always want to be in a state of fear! Nonetheless, it is still my deep wish this variant kills more of the willingly unvaccinated while the fully vaccinated will remain protected. Seriously! The only way we are going to get beyond the pandemic is when the stupid die off — faster!

Then of all the doctors I’ve heard over the weekend, there were only one or two willing to go out on a “limb” by conjecturing that Omicron is already in the U.S., while others obliquely suggest that it could eventually come to our shores. Well, of course, it’s already here, morons! Seriously! Have we learned nothing in the nearly two years of living with COVID? There is absolutely no reason to tip-toe around speculating about something that is a near certainty. (Because America is still doing a piss poor job at genomic testing of COVID we haven’t detected it yet. So, Omicron is out there, folks. We just can’t find it.) When doctors and scientists fail to state the obvious — even when it cuts against their “let the science speak” ethos — it really does diminish their expertise and reputation. Sometimes a zebra is a f***ing zebra; you don’t have to do a genetic test first to confirm that it’s not a horse. While I don’t doubt T.V. doctors, I do find myself screaming at my laptop when they couch their expert answers with terms like “may,” “should,” “could,” “perhaps,” etc. By the time they finish answering a question on COVID, they have qualified their response into oblivion where anything is possible and nothing has been elucidated. Welcome to stupid America!