On Liz Cheney

Chip Somodevilla / Getty

Mark Leibovich writes in The Atlantic, “I joined Cheney in the college town of Laramie, at a house party hosted by one of her supporters. As usual, people were coming up to her—very young people and very old people and liberals who probably used to deride her father, Dick Cheney, as Darth Vader and a war criminal. Now they were praising Darth Daughter, reminding her that she is playing for history and on a stage much bigger than Wyoming. They tell her not to be deterred—by the abuse or the Ditch Liz signs or whatever ugly results come in after the voting’s done. … Being a lonely exemplar of courage in a party otherwise bloated with cranks and cowards has made Liz Cheney one of the most admired political leaders in America—at least among Democrats. ‘The world is upside down,’ Cheney has been saying. Indeed, the marvel of Dick Cheney’s daughter now having a 59 percent approval rating among Democrats, and only 14 percent among Republicans, has not been lost on anyone.”

Ugh! Between you, me, and the fence post, I’m among the 59 percent and one who called the Dick Darth Vader and a war criminal, which still holds true to this day. But I concede that I must be getting squishy in my old age. I still hate all RepubliKKKlans without exception, but I hate a few less (perhaps a quiet contempt) than most others, for example, Michael Steele. And I’ve even learned to mostly forgive former RepubliKKKlans such as Joe Scarbrough and Nicolle Wallace, who are among my favorite commentators. I guess if they are trenchant enough to know when to leave a party that has become anti-American, then I could respect them for their choice even though they were once part of and supported a party that paved the way to this moment in history. So, they are not entirely faultless. Of course, I would sooner pull a hole in my head than ever vote for a RepubliKKKlan.

But back to Cheney. Even though she has not left the RepubliKKKlan Party — the party left her, as the cliché goes — she is truly the most ferocious defender of America’s democracy than anyone in Congress, including Democrats. And she further gained my respect when she voted in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act, which was surprising. Amazing how a lesbian sister changes one perspective, but that’s par for the course with a conservative mindset; they find empathizing with others difficult unless they have been directly or indirectly impacted, especially on culture war issues. Unfortunately, Sith Lord traitor trump has cut down Jedi Master Cheney, and now he’s more powerful than ever. The end is coming, morons. Mark my words. Welcome to stupid America!