Once Again, Only Beto Gets It

Axios headline reads, “O’Rourke on CNN: America’s mass shooting epidemic is ‘f***ed up.’” Once again, O’Rourke is the only person demonstrating the minimum amount of righteous indignation, whereas every other dumbass Democrat recites weak platitudes of “outrage.” The worst was Julian Castro! God! What a f***ing lame excuse for a candidate from Texas nonetheless. I listened to his interviews on MSM the day after the mass shooting and his level of passion and outrage was equivalent to a wet f***ing noodle. Seriously! We are so f***ing beyond calm calls of action and pleas for cooperation to pass “something.” The last thing this country needs is a weak, passionless leader, but that’s probably exactly what dumbass Democrats will nominate. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!