So, what’s wrong with the set of pictures above? Anyone? Anyone at all? Does anyone see the obvious difference? Don’t be shy. Call it out when you have the answer. Nothing? I’ll tell you. That Fulton County Sheriff’s emblem is markedly smaller in the traitor trump mug shot. How strange. In fact, I returned to all the mug shots of his co-defendants, and sure enough, only his photo had a barely noticeable sheriff’s badge. I wonder why that is and why it is important. I’ll tell you why it is. Clearly, the person taking the picture consciously decided to de-emphasize the one part of a mug shot that defines the picture. It is unmistakable that the person taking traitor trump’s picture is a traitor trump fanboy. Why is this important? Because traitor trump supporters are everywhere and will do every little bit they can to help him out, even if that means “doctoring” his mug shot so as not to make it so obvious. These are subtle, micro-aggressive actions. Now, extend this to the larger public, who will be used to furnish the jury pool for his trials, and you get at least one subversive juror who will hang the jury four times over. Prosecutors will have only one shot to convict him, so don’t expect multiple re-trails. It’s not going to happen. Four hung juries and traitor trump is a free man who will claim exoneration, which it is not. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump sycophants are f***ing everywhere — in plain sight and quietly hiding amongst us. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!