One Poll That Says It All

CNN/SSRS Poll — August 03, 2021 to September 07, 2021

The poll results above show that the case is closed! American democracy is dead and dumbass Democrats, with their apathy, are helping RepubliKKKlans to kill it. I have seen no other poll results evince more alarm than the ones above. I should not be surprised, for the numbers only reinforce that which I have been saying for many months now. Dumbass Democrats just don’t get it and they don’t care. Their apathy and blindness are killing the country, and Democrats leaderships’ failure to stir the anger and fear of their base is also to blame. How the f*** can we ever hope to save our country when most Democrats think our democracy is not under attack? Tell me! How? How can the “nothing to see here” party ever hope to retain power if the bedazzled Democratic masses believe the ongoing RepubliKKKlan coup is nothing more than a test? Or worse still — over! One can see how and why RepubliKKKlans are going to steal the next election; they think their version of “American democracy” is under threat, and if I thought my version of democracy was under attack (which it is) then I would be up in arms too. But what political force do we have to counter RepubliKKKlans? Democrats! Democrats who think everything is fine. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t with the stupid and the apathy and the blindness. As I have said at almost every chance I get — RepubliKKKlans are killing our country and dumbass Democrats are letting them do it. Oh, well. I give up. The stupid runs deep and cannot be reversed. Welcome to stupid America!