
Only in Stupid America!

From The Hill, “An order limiting the Biden administration’s communication with social media companies could make it harder to curb disinformation as the 2024 election nears. A federal judge on Tuesday curtailed communication between certain Biden administration agencies and social media companies after a GOP-led challenge to efforts to combat disinformation, arguing attempts to do so violated protected speech. … ‘This (ruling) is part of a political ploy to change the meaning of disinformation from information that’s incorrect and harmful to a sort of political slur – the idea that labeling something disinformation is tantamount to censorship,’ Marwick said. ‘What this ruling does is it really continues that narrative. … It’s not likely the ruling will have an immediate impact on online disinformation, Marwick said. But over time, social media platforms might choose to limit their moderation efforts out of fear of legal and political ramifications. … Administration officials were not barred in all cases from communicating with social media platforms. The order indicates that Biden administration officials can confer with platforms about criminal activity, national security threats, threats to public safety and posts’ intending to mislead voters about voting requirements and procedures.’ But even with those exemptions, the order’s sweeping directive leaves room for interpretation.”

Let me see if I understand this correctly. A traitor trump-appointed judge thinks the best way to preserve the freedom of speech is to put a gag order on the government. But really, the point of the ruling is not freedom of speech concerns; it’s about freedom of disinformation. With a supremely stupid, stupid society, what could possibly go wrong? That’s always been the point of the RepubliKKKlan Party. They have been working for decades to foster a society of really, truly f***ing G.D. stupid people (i.e., voters), and it appears they have finally reached critical mass, as evinced by the election of traitor trump. Now that RepubliKKKlans have sufficiently dumbed down society through a long, constant war on education, they need to keep Americans ignorant by barring the government from enlightening them (or at least from getting dumber). They are at the point where the party has commenced spoon-feeding (via social media) misinformation, disinformation, and “un-information” to the great hoards of idiots, and they don’t want a Democratic-led government getting in the way of keeping Americans stupid. Hence, they get their judge to intervene to prevent people from not being exposed to lies and conspiracy theories. One may rightly argue that people have a right to lies and such conspiracy theory nonsense. Normally, I would agree — if society was actually smart enough to discern fact from fiction. But, sadly, Americans are not smart. They are idiots who have no clue. This is a country where 30-40 percent think CVOID and climate change are hoaxes. That vaccines give people COVID. That there is a deep-state cabal that wants to turn children into sex slaves. And Lord knows what else. But whatever! I expected nothing less! Welcome to stupid America! This is how America ends.