Only in Stupid America: In One Chart

This Axios chart shows just how f***ing stupid people are; the article goes on to summarize, “President Trump is acting true to history. Every Republican president since Reagan has left office with a budget deficit higher than the one he inherited. Clinton and Obama, by contrast, left office with smaller deficits.” Seriously, it is beyond comprehension and infuriating that dumbass Democrats can never capitalize on such obvious differences. WTF?

Only in stupid America do stupid people keep electing RepubliKKKlans to be the party of “fiscal responsibility” to have them keep blowing up the budget deficit and national debt as a consequence. More proof that the RepubliKKKlan party is nothing more than the party of hypocrisy when it comes to their core beliefs. It’s un-f***ing-believable that time after time, election after election the RepubliKKKlan party runs as the fiscally conservative party, and the f***tards in this country continue to believe them when in reality it is the Democratic party that shows more fiscal responsibility. Jesus-f***ing-Christ in all of Heaven and on Earth! The RepubliKKKlan party has been one long 40-year con-job and most of America has fallen for it! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I give up. I guess one can’t change f***ing G.D. stupid and all the MAGA morons that go with it. Welcome to stupid America!