MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Only the “Best People”

From Axios, “Trump has withdrawn twice as many nominees as President Obama at the same point in time in his administration, 65:31, according to the Partnership for Public Service’s data. Trump has withdrawn one nominee for every 11 confirmations, the worst ratio of any other president from George H.W. Bush to Obama, according to the data.” I thought traitor trump would only hire the best people; I thought he knew all the best people; I thought everyone loved him and would be begging to work for him. This entire administration has been one long f***ing G.D. Celebrity Apprentice Scheiße show trainwreck. And this is why trump stupid MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love him because he is one big source of entertainment for these f***tards, while the rest of us are exhausted, frustrated, and infuriated.

Moreover, his claim to be “draining the swamp” is, of course, another abject lie (see this Axios article and this article). These leaked documents show that person after person has deep, concerning issues about being hired into powerful government positions. Yet, MAGA moron after MAGA moron believes unconditionally that traitor trump has assembled the most competent and ethical administration ever. Welcome to stupid America! It’s still all dumb here!