Only the MSM Believes Their Own Nonsense

The MSM possesses the greatest concentration of morons that I’ve seen in any industry. Their persistence to be “objective” and “both sides” everything evinces a manifest stupidity, particularly in their questions. As I have said before, there are such things as stupid questions, and some of the most prominent news anchors, commentators, and journalists working for MSNBC and CNN are among the dumbest. I do not include Faux News because everyone who works for that company, from coffee boy to Murdoch, is a moron. And please don’t lecture me on Faux News’ success as a counterfactual to their stupidity; it is a news empire built by morons, run by morons, marketed to morons, and watched by morons. That entire business model is built on the notion that a broken clock is correct twice a day, so they are fixated on two broken notions that work for them — hatred and rage. It does not take much intelligence to cater to the most base sentiments of a moronic population. But I have seriously digressed.

Two recent episodes have me riled: The Biden nine-word media-manufactured controversy — “For God’s sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power” — and the Russian “pullback.” Let’s start with Biden. I was not going to comment on these nine words since I had previously lambasted Biden for a stream-of-consciousness comment he made during a press conference before Russian invaded Ukraine that suggested he was inclined to be yet another pusillanimous leader in the face of Putin’s aggression. Of course, Biden turned out to be the exact opposite. Nonetheless, at the time, Biden was not exemplifying confidence that he would do much more than what had been tried in the past. Because I was wrong on that incident I did not want to criticize another Biden ad-lib remark. But given the MSM framing these nine words as a diplomatic catastrophe that they’ve been lamenting for three or four days, I decided it was time to speak up.

I think Don Lemon was the first and singular voice among the MSM when he labeled the controversy as “media-manufactured.” He went on to say that Biden said what everyone was thinking. Indeed! This is the real story. Biden stated the truth; of course, it did not help that his administration immediately tried to clean up his remarks. This was a mistake. Biden had to clarify his comments a couple of days later before reporters by stating yet another truth. Biden does not care how Putin interprets those nine words — nor should we care. Putin is going to do what he’s going to do, regardless. Putin has already blamed everyone and everything as a cause for the war, so who cares what Putin thinks. But not the MSM. Oh, no. They could not quit catastrophizing Biden’s words. It’s always the same with these MSM morons — essentially always asking, How has Biden f***ed things up now?

Then we come to the Russian announcement that they are pulling back forces in certain areas. Again, the MSM jumped on this announcement as a breakthrough, a step to the end of the war, a good faith indication of Russia to deescalate, an opportunity — nah, a must-take offramp — that Ukraine cannot ignore in negotiations. The one person that sticks out in my mind is Alisyn Camerota from CNN. I usually like her reporting, but in both these circumstances, she exemplifies the attempt by the MSM to both sides everything when there are no both sides. First, she pushed back against Lemon’s description of media-manufactured, indigent that someone would question the MSM for questioning Biden’s statement. When Biden is saying what everyone is thinking, especially Ukrainians, then yes, it is a media-manufactured crisis, and any line of questioning that suggests Biden was somehow wrong is, in fact, idiotic. Second, there was a line of questioning by Camerota during an interview wherein every answer provided by the guest — an ambassador of some sort, if I recall — she came back with another question that suggested why not believe Putin is acting in good faith, and why not criticize Biden’s nine words as being dangerous and playing into Russian hands? In short, she was asking all the wrong questions. Camerota clearly came from a perspective that Putin has a point about Biden’s ad-lib, and maybe Russia is having a change of heart about prosecuting the war. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! How f***ing stupid can she be? What a f***ing joke! Camerota interviewed as if she had not witnessed the war for the last four weeks and as if Putin never lied. This! This is why it only takes one idiot MSM personality to tarnish the entire industry. Look, f***tards! Putin does not get the benefit of the doubt from journalists, in particular — ever. Unfortunately, Lemon was the exception with his analysis, but it is not enough to rehabilitate the image of the rest of the MSM.