Orange Man Talks Oranges

This is why I hate the MSM at times because they completely fail to do their f***ing job. A quote from The Hill highlights what I mean, “Late-night host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday mocked President Trump over a video clip showing him apparently saying the word ‘oranges’ instead of ‘origins.’” While most laugh this off as a gaffe or slip of the brain, this is a regular thing for traitor trump. At best it demonstrates he speaks stupid (just like the rest of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans), and at worst it indicates he has some form of f***ing brain defect. Seriously! He f***ing confuses words and situations all the f***ing time and people just laugh it off as something comical from a dotard. This is the president of the United States of America! Is no one f***ing embarrassed by this idiot? Apparently not. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid f***ing America where people like traitor trump because he speaks as they do! F*** me!