Orange Man’s Blog Bust

I think Techdirt put it best, “And now, following the bans from Twitter and Facebook, it appears that Donald Trump has banned himself from his own blog, shutting it down permanently. … Of course, the fact that they launched the blog with such hype, and talked it up so much less than a month ago, makes all of this seem (again, as per so much that is Trump) to be them just making shit up as they go along. Meanwhile, a Trump advisor admitted to the Washington Post that the reason it was shut down was that Trump was embarrassed by how little traffic it was getting and how everyone was mocking the site.” Yeah! So, traitor trump, like everything else in the MAGA moron world, is just one long string of making sh*t up as they go and, more often than not, failing in the process. Of course, there is another (more abecedarian) explanation for why traitor trump’s blog failed. Namely, traitor trump is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order and so are his MAGA moron supporters. What did he expect, really? His supporters are too stupid to read prose on a website. Oh, no! Their mental capacity can only handle roughly 140 characters of mostly misspelled, incoherent garbage, which in the mind of MAGA morons reads like poetry. Naturally, well crafted and “reasoned” statements from “the desk of” traitor trump carry no value for his f***tard sycophants.

But it is of no matter, for traitor trump is about to ramp up the real moneymaking grievance machinery: rallies! Yup. I can’t wait for tens of thousands of MAGA morons to begin the traitor trump Nuremberg rally tour with chants, audience callbacks, incitements to violence, and collective snowflake complaining. And, right on cue, MSM will cover them just like the old days because reports and news commentators are just as complicit in spreading and sensationalizing traitor trump’s hate speech all in the name of “news.” Eh, whatever! It’s about to be 2015-2016 all over again. Get ready morons! Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than the day before because it’s America where the stupid never ends.