Outrage-O-Meter: 2

Is it just me or is the public outrage over these last two domestic terrorist attacks pretty f***ing weak? Then again, I’m not sure why I expected anything else from a rather stupid and pathetic country. Seriously! It is the usual shock followed by shaking of collective heads. Followed by vigils and questions of why while ultimately returning to business as usual — mass shootings on a daily basis that go under-reported. Nothing will ever change. Throughout the day, news has been reporting the same weak and feckless platitudes of sadness, anger, “God bless” this that and the other, bewilderment, blah, blah, blah. Of course, my favorite is “hope.” So f***ing stupid. Politicians and reporters always “hoping” that somehow this moment will be different, hoping that traitor trump will rise to the occasion, hoping RepubliKKKlans will do the right thing. Un-f***ing-believable. There is no amount of carnage that could engender significant, lasting change because the RepubkliKKKlan party of terrorists and MAGA moron will never want to change anything. Dumbass Democrats are incapable of harnessing any sort public anger to get people in the streets protesting. No, they can’t. These events have a shelf life of five days then it’s on to the next traitor trump tweet. We get the government we deserve, and right now it is tyranny by the minority that rules over the majority. So, congratu-f***ing-lations. Get used to it idiots because clearly the country is too apathetic and f***tarded to effectuate change. Welcome to trump stupid America.

Although, it appears Beto was exhibiting the right amount of outrage especially in response to an idiot reporter asking a f***ing stupid question because, of course, the media is mostly full of morons.