The End Is Coming, F***tards!

According to NBC News, “As discontented Americans consider having to choose between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump at the ballot box next year, almost 15% of registered voters say, when presented with the choice in the new NBC News poll, that they will vote for a third party or independent candidate in the latest NBC News poll. That would be a major increase from the less than 2% of voters in 2020 who actually voted for a candidate other than Biden or Trump. When given five options, 39% of voters said they would vote for Trump, 36% said they would vote for Biden, 5% said they would vote for a Libertarian candidate, 5% said they would vote for a No Labels candidate and 4% said they would vote for a Green Party candidate. … Also ominous for Biden is that only 77% of the voters who select him in a two-way ballot test stick with him on the five-way ballot test, versus 84% of Trump voters who select him on the two-way test and stick with him on the five-way.”

This is more proof that Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid to save democracy. A country this dumb cannot survive! Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well! And all those dumbass Democrats who keep telling everyone that the polls are wrong and that Biden beat traitor trump once so he can do it again are delusional morons of the highest f***ing order. First, polls are not precise, and reputable pollsters refined their methodology to compensate for “young people,” “cell phone users,” and the like. Dumbass Democrats keep pointing to the failed red wave in 2022 as proof of erroneous polling, but they keep forgetting that the polls predicted Democrats would lose the House. And guess what happened? They lost the House! It doesn’t matter if Democrats lost by 20 seats or five seats; the results are exactly the same. When all the polls indicate a trend and direction, then you should probably take heed instead of wishing the data away—typical dumbass Democrats’ wishful thinking.

Second — and most important — there are going to be many third-party candidates in this election, unlike in 2022, where Biden and traitor trump were the only two candidates. But because Americans are morons and “frustrated,” they’re going to throw the baby out with the bath water and vote third-party, which is strategically disastrous. Why would I expect f***tard Americans to be strategic in their voting? I shouldn’t. I promise traitor trump will get elected through the back door, and no one f***ing cares. Oh, well. Mark my words, f***tard. Welcome to stupid America!

The End of NATO and the Rise of Traitor [T]rump ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As CNN reports, “In a shocking remark at a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, Trump said he would encourage Russia to do ‘whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO member country that didn’t meet the alliance’s guidelines for defense spending. Trump’s comments reveal his view of NATO not as the main driver of peace in Europe for half a century but as a protection racket. His comments are also dangerous, since the alliance’s credibility relies on Russia believing that members would defend an ally that was attacked, in line with Article 5 commitments. Any sense this is false could lead to miscalculations in Moscow. And this is just the latest in a long list of occasions in which the ex-president has appeared to indulge Putin’s goals instead of traditional US national interests. … Trump’s comments also come as his GOP allies, especially in the House, are trying to thwart Biden’s new aid package for Ukraine, a sovereign democracy invaded by the Russian autocrat in the widest European land war since World War II. And the sympathetic interview of Putin last week by Tucker Carlson, the far-right populist broadcaster, only underscores the Trump GOP’s embrace of Putinism.”

So, how many points will traitor trump advance in the polls as he telegraphs his intentions to abandon NATO? Four? Five points? I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country. Americans, in all their ever-loving mass idocracy, are in favor of America’s total retreat from the global stage because I live in stupid f***ing hell. “America first” is in complete control of our current foreign policy because f***tard Americans decided to give RepubliKKKlans control of the House so they could stop supporting Ukraine and the rest of our allies; Americans are too f***ing G.D. stupid to apprehend just how dangerous this is to themselves and the rest of the world. And the head of this movement — America’s withdrawal from the world as the protector of democracy and freedom across the globe — is leading in all the polls. Yet, no one seems to care. We are so f***ed! Stupidity is going to win this November. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore with this sh*t-for-brains country. Americans get the government they deserve and desire, and I will repeat: Americans don’t want democracy anymore because they’re morons and lazy. Sorry, f***tards, but democracy takes work, vigilance, and constant renewal and reaffirmation to maintain. Americans, apparently, are too pathetic and retarded to do any of these things. America can no longer endure, so get ready idiots! The end is coming. I’ve been forecasting this for years now, but no one seems to believe me. While the rest of American morons thought Biden’s victory over traitor trump was the end of the orange man’s reign, I knew it was merely the intermission to the finale. I knew and predicted long before anyone that traitor trump would be back with a vengeance. But whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to endure!

Looking in America’s Mirror: Traitor [T]rump and Loving the Reflection

Traitor trump is the American reflection. He is the essence of America! Not only is he the image of a vile nation, but like the narcissist in chief, Americans love the image reflected back in that uniquely American mirror. They love it, understand it, and worship it! America is not that shining city on the hill. It is not the land of opportunity. It is not a place for equality and justice and freedom. It is not the great country envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Lincoln, MLK, and others. No! It is none of these features, for citizens have given up and care not for anyone but themselves. There is no greater good to which one should aspire anymore. There is no sense of duty, dignity, and democracy. No! America no longer embodies these attributes. America, as evinced through traitor trump, has become the land of “me” and “f*** you!” America is a nation whereby the minority rules over the majority, and the majority are supine in the face of authoritarianism! The majority just takes it, without question.

Moreover, America is not the home of the brave. Quite to the contrary, America is lead by fearful people. Not fear of losing America’s democracy — although MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans love to b*tch that their “democratic” rights are being lost such as the right to kill “the blacks” and discriminate against “the gays,” naturally! No! The minority (in power) fears the majority (without power). America fears the “other.” For a country that prides itself on bravery, independence, and self-determination, it sure is afraid most of the time, especially of the future and change — those two inexorable truths of life! Boo-hoo. We’re not in the 1950s anymore. Their fear is not rational fear; it is irrational fear, which is fully demonstrated by the growing acceptance and invasion of conspiracy theories into the RepubliKKKlan Party. America is lost. Although in the eyes of too many, America is exactly where it wants to be with some distance to go before it gets to the white nationalist promise land. Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s the mirror, stupid!

SCOTUS Seals America’s Doom — Oh, Well! No One Cares!

I listened to arguments before SCOTUS on the matter of Trump v. Anderson with one ear while working with the other. Needless to say, my attention was divided, but I got the gist of the dialogue, and coupled with post-event commentary from MSM talking heads, my suspicions have been confirmed: SCOTUS is not going to throw traitor trump off any state ballot, all the justices are in agreement, SCOTUS has rendered the 14th Amendment entirely moot, and, in so doing, they have sealed the doom of America’s democracy. I expected nothing less! Perhaps the only surprise is the swiftness — and indeed alacrity — with which the liberal justices appear to concede to traitor trump’s arguments that he should not be removed from the Colorado primary ballot. Their chief concern was the political harm that may ensue if states were allowed to remove traitor trump — or any political candidate — from a ballot. The liberal justices appeared to sympathize with traitor trump’s dilemma and the potential strife that may result from such “anti-democratic” action by one state (or many) that “disenfranchise” voters in other states if, for example, Colorado removes traitor trump from their ballot. In other words, voters in other states may not be able to vote for the perceived “winner” if a candidate is not on the ballot in every state. (I bet RFK Jr. has an opinion on this line of reasoning! But whatever! I live in stupid f***ing hell!) More succinctly, the justices ask, What right does a single state have to disenfranchise voters in other states? And why does or why should SCOTUS have a role in determining states’ ability to assess the eligibility of potential candidates as it pertains to the 14th Amendment? In other words, they’d rather not have to decide on states’ rights at all. As a blanket fix to avoid weighing into a state’s judgment, SCOTUS would seek to put the onus on determining eligibility based on the 14th Amendment solely in the hands of Congress. This is rich coming from a Court that meddled in the 2000 presidential election of a state by barring Flordia from finishing its recount, thereby handing (selecting) Bush II the presidency over Gore. Imagine all the voters across the country who were disenfranchised by five justices on SCOTUS in their Bush v. Gore ruling! And I didn’t hear any justice lament about traitor trump’s attempt on 6 January 2021 to disenfranchise 81,283,501 voters who elected Biden! (Irony is dead in America; hypocrisy rules the day in the era of traitor trump! Nothing matters anymore.) In short, SCOTUS is afraid of making a political decision on states’ rights, so no state should be able to decide for themselves. Funny how SCOTUS is all about states’ rights — until they’re not! Thus, traitor trump and every other insurrectionist will be entitled to run and win the presidency because I live in f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America. The end is here, morons! Brought to you with help from the liberal justices on SCOTUS! No one cares! Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well!

My SCOTUS Prediction

Scotus will hear arguments on traitor trump’s eligibility to be on the Colorado primary ballot today. Without a doubt, the Court will keep him on the ballot, but the real questions are by what reasoning do they arrive at this decision, and is the Court unanimous in their opinion? (Indeed, not only unanimous in the outcome but also unanimous in its writing, meaning no separate concurrences.) First, of course, the Court will be unanimous because the liberal justices will cave to the imperialist uber-conservative supermajority wing of the bench, all in the name of national “unity.” When Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson should be standing up for the rule of law, the Constitution, and preserving our democracy, they will capitulate to keep the leader of America’s most recent rebellion against our government on the ballot. Of course, they will because nothing matters anymore, least of all keeping our democracy.

Second, and more difficult, is prognosticating the Court’s legal reasoning, which no doubt will be tortured and contorted to arrive at a desired, predetermined outcome. Again, that preconceived result is to keep traitor trump on the ballot. Whatever the “reasoning,” it will essentially render the 14th Amendment useless. Trust me on this one. I would not be surprised if SCOTUS decided that the Amendment in question only pertains to participants of the Civil War, thereby ruling anyone can run for office even if they engaged in an insurrection 150 years later because, of course, that was the intention of those who authored and passed the 14th Amendment. And a final thought, I think their opinion won’t come out until the end of the term (June), which is yet one more way for the pro-traitor trump conservative wing to delay justice and, in many ways, render their opinion useless because so much time will have passed and most — if not all — of the primary contests will be over. And there is no way SCOTUS will kick him off the general election ballot. In essence, all of this becomes academic and guidance for future insurrections as the Court rules traitors to our country have free reign to do as they will against our government and still be allowed to run for office because the 14th Amendment is outdated and moot in the 21st Century. Welcome to stupid America!

Haley Loses to ‘None of the Above’

Wow! This looks bad. Ostensibly, the “None of these candidates” votes are a stand-in for traitor trump, but still, it is a pathetic result for Haley to lose to … no one! Her 30 percent is consistent with other contests and polls, and it evinces a faction of the RepubliKKKlan Party that is “anti-trump,” which I contend really does exist. When push comes to shove, they’ll vote for traitor trump in the general election, like they always do. I’m still not sure why Haley remains in the race. Has she learned nothing yet? How is it that she remains utterly oblivious to the mainstream racist and misogynist beliefs of her party? The RepubliKKKlan base is never going to vote for a person of color or a woman for president. Never! Whatever! So embarrassing. Welcome to stupid America!

D.O.A. — Duh!

According to NBC News, “In a striking turn of events, Senate Republicans threatened Monday to block a major bipartisan package of border security measures and asylum restrictions, just one day after their chief negotiator signed off on it. … The Republican uneasiness could be devastating to the package, which House Republican leaders have already said is ‘dead on arrival’ in the lower chamber. Proponents hoped that strong bipartisan support in the Senate could force the House’s hand. Donald Trump demands that Republicans sink the agreement, which they struck with Democrats and is now backed by President Joe Biden, as Trump, the likely 2024 Republican presidential nominee, seeks to wield immigration as a political weapon in the fall election. … But just hours later, when Senate Republicans met behind closed doors and opposition continued to grow, McConnell — one of the staunchest GOP proponents of Ukraine aid in Congress — gave his members the green light to oppose Wednesday’s procedural vote.”

Of course, f***tards! Of course! I expected nothing less from this nation of supremely unmitigated stupidity. This is what people voted for when they elected RepubliKKKlans to take over the House. I don’t blame the RepubliKKKlan Party as much as I do the average f***tard American voter. Of course, RepubliKKKlans are going to tank every bill that strengthens the border, extends children’s welfare, and funds Ukraine’s war effort against Russia. This is a do-nothing House, all brought to us by the American idiot voter! What did these f***tards think would happen by dividing Congress? Of course, it would be gridlock. And this is exactly what this sh*t-for-brains country wanted. They voted for this! It never f***ing fails! Every f***ing time! Every two f***ing years, this country of morons whipsaws from one party control to another. When Democrats have control and actually move America forward, then f***tard Americans invariably vote in RepubliKKKlans to stop that progress and to roll back any advances. It! Never! F***ing! Fails! Every! F***ing! Time!

I also blame dumbass Democrats for being so f***ing G.D. naive and pathetic, especially as it relates to funding Ukraine. There was a lame-duck session of Congress in which Democrats failed to push through adequate funding for Ukraine. They should have passed legislation that would have been equivalent to a blank check! But no! They lost the House, and being the idiots that they are, Democrats, in their never-ending hope-casting mindset, thought RepubliKKKlans would extend funding. Of course, RepubliKKKlans will, idiot Democrats believed. Dumbass Democrats kept reassuring the public that RepubliKKKlans could not possibly walk away from helping Ukraine! Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! Such jejune thinking and stupidity. What part of the RepubliKKKlan Party being pro-fascism and anti-democracy are dumbass Democrats still failing to apprehend? What f***ing part? Whatever! I give up! Americans get the government they desire and deserve. I can’t anymore. I just can’t! I live in stupid f***ing hell.

2024 Is Not Your 1930s America — It’s Worse!

This documentary evinces another warning sign of the end of America’s democracy. As I prepare myself for the return of traitor trump to the White House and as Americans decide democracy is simply too difficult to maintain and mentally taxing for them with which to cope, I find myself watching more documentaries and reading books about America’s history. In my casual “research” of what to expect in a country where fascism is rising and democracy is declining, I was surprised to find that our history is littered with a population yearning for a more authoritarian form of government — almost since the inception of America’s founding. And I was also surprised by how violent moments and eras of America’s past have been. Beyond the Civil War, America experienced countless mini-insurrections in states and national clashes (riots) over civil rights and economic inequality and insecurity (read: Blacks vs. Whites, nationals vs. immigrants, haves vs. have-nots, industrialists vs. unions). Civilians and politicians alike throughout our history have been killed during these moments. In all honesty, the violence in the era of traitor trump has been tame by comparison; one might say the current collective reign of terror by RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook has been nearly nonexistent. What does this mean for our future? Things can — and will — get worse.

Specific to the PBS documentary Nazi Town, U.S.A., I was not surprised by Nazism taking root in America during the 1930s. The American Bund was a history already known to me, but what surprised me was the movement’s insignificance — only about 100,000 members strong. I was further surprised by the pushback from the general public. It would seem the average American during the 1930s was actually against fascism — abroad or in America. Oh, how things have changed! The problem in the 21st Century is that this authoritarian / America first / isolationist / anti-immigrant movement, unlike the past, is far more substantial and far more pervasive (and dangerous). Instead of American Nazis numbering in the 100,000 range, we now have 45 percent of the population perfectly comfortable with and willing to give up democracy in favor of fascism. Authoritarianism is no longer fringe in America; it’s half the country, and one of the only two major political parties has a leader who is willing to end the American experiment! No questions asked. Anti-democratic forces have always been on the fringe of American society and culture, but not in today’s America of f***tards. Nope! Today, the totalitarian strain of politics is stronger than ever in America, countered by an apathetic, weak, and supremely ignorant pro-democracy faction. Fear not, though! America has a long history of these anti-democratic movements ebbing and flowing, often with little chance of succeeding in the long-term — until now. Only in stupid America! The end is here! Mark my words!

F*** Arab Americans! Seriously!

Junfu Han, Detroit Free Press

From the Detroit Free Press, “Abed Hammoud, a Dearborn attorney and former federal prosecutor who helped establish the Arab American Political Action Committee in 1997, said at the Fordson rally he is a Democrat who voted for Biden in 2020, but will not this year. ‘I’ve always voted Democrat,’ Hammoud said. ‘But there is no way Biden is going to get my vote. It’s not going to happen because Biden is complicit in a genocide, Biden is complicit in a war that makes no sense. He should just stop this war.’ Nasser Beydoun, a Dearborn businessman and candidate for Senate who has been outspoken against Israel, also spoke at the rally. ‘The community has made a decision that Joe Biden is not our nominee,’ Beydoun said.”

Whatever! F*** these people! F*** them all and f*** America’s stupidity! I just f***ing can’t deal with this sh*t anymore. Every day, I wake up to more depressing news that Americans have lost their f***ing G.D. minds — that is to the extent they ever had working grey matter between the ears. If it’s not some Taylor Swift conspiracy theory or Bud Light boycott, then it’s “Abandon Biden” or “Genocide Joe.” So today, I’m in the f*** them all mode. If this sh*t-for-brains country can’t discern between the hellscape that would come from another traitor trump presidency and the impossible confluence of international crises that Biden is trying to juggle — through no fault of his own — then Americans truly deserve the government they get and desire, which appears to be four more years of traitor trump brought to you, in part, by … wait for it! Wait for it! Arab Americans! These f***tards have no f***ing clue, do they? I mean, seriously! As NPR reports, “Biden’s margin of victory in Michigan was 154,000 votes. The state is home to more than 200,000 registered voters who are Muslim and 300,000 people claim ancestry from the Middle East and North Africa.” Am I saying most will not vote for Biden because they’re pissy about how the Israel-Hamas war is unfolding? Maybe, maybe not. But let’s say 10,000 don’t vote, coupled with Lord knows how many other temper-tantrum squishy dumbass Democrats in the state hold back their vote for Biden, then you have traitor trump carrying Michigan. Biden needs to win every state of the Blue Wall to win. Losing one state makes a Biden victory incredibly difficult. Losing two or more and traitor trump is president. Full stop! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a million f***ing times: Not voting for Biden is a vote for traitor trump. Writing “ceasefire” as a candidate is a vote for traitor trump, not some stupid protest vote against Biden, you f***tards. Whatever! Nothing matters anymore! Americans are f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order and just don’t get it!

But do you think these f***tard Arab Americans care? Nope! They’re too f***ing stupid and apparently love Gaza terrorists and terrorist sympathizers more than America. Not to mention, do they really think traitor trump is going to be better for Palestinians abroad and Muslims here in America when he gets back in the White House? Have these f***tard Arab Americans forgotten traitor trump’s Muslim Bans (1.0 and 2.0)? How is it that Americans can be this f***ing stupid and forgetful? To be sure, traitor trump is going to implement his Muslim Ban 3.0 the minute he gets back in office, except this time, he’s going to ignore SCOTUS when they tell him — if they do at all — that his third version is unconstitutional. Of course, what these Arab American morons fail to comprehend is that traitor trump will sweep up all Arabs indiscriminately, which could very well include those “Abandon Biden” supporters. Do these idiots really think that once they’re unjustly picked up off the street or rounded up in some “raid” on their mosque they’ll have a chance to break free? Once in the racist traitor trump deportation machine, they won’t be able to get out of it despite them proclaiming, “But I’m an American!” Do you know who helped Hitler come into power by voting for him? Some Jews! But whatever! I can’t. I just can’t with the stupidity anymore.

And don’t get me started on what traitor trump will do for Gaza! The short answer is nothing! Not a f***ing thing unless, of course, Arab Americans consider giving Bibi free rein to exterminate the population altogether and raze every building as doing “something.” Didn’t traitor trump suggest turning Gaza into a parking lot? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did, but he did say this: “’So you have a war that’s going on, and you’re probably going to have to let this play out. You’re probably going to have to let it play out because a lot of people are dying,’ Trump told Univision in an interview that aired Thursday night.” Does that sound like someone who wants to help stop the war? At least Biden is putting pressure on Bibi to pull back. Traitor trump will give Bibi the green light and then some! Again, do you think these Arab Americans understand this? Nope. They’re just too f***ing dumb. They can’t think beyond two seconds of their outrage. Ya know, there are moments, like now, when I say f*** it all! Put traitor trump back in office. Maybe people need to witness and experience the destruction of America’s democracy before they can learn to appreciate it, but by then, it will be too f***ing late. The damage will be done, and our democracy will be gone forever with, no doubt, far fewer Muslims as traitor trump executes his Muslim Ban 3.0. I Iive in stupid f***ing hell! Welcome to stupid America!

America Moves Swiftly to Peak Stupidity

Photo by Patrick Smith

According to Barron’s, “You knew Taylor Swift was influential, but Republicans are now crediting the singer with James-Bond-villain-level powers in a wacky conspiracy theory claiming the singer’s romance with NFL star Travis Kelce is really a plot to rig the Super Bowl and get President Joe Biden reelected. … Right-wingers — who, like their leader Donald Trump, increasingly see conspiracy theories under every stone — detected not a love story but a deep-state psychological operation against the American people and the November presidential election. Fox News hosted a discussion with a former FBI agent asking: ‘Is Taylor Swift a Pentagon asset?’… And Vivek Ramaswamy, a failed Republican presidential candidate now fully behind Trump’s bid for a second term, suggested there is a plot to boost Biden through a faked Swift-Kelce relationship and a rigged Chiefs victory in the Super Bowl. … A major pro-Trump broadcast personality, Mike Crispi, said it all even more clearly: ‘EVERYONE knows Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce is fake and the Super Bowl is rigged. You’re a whacko at this point if you DON’T believe it.’”

Kill! Me! Now! I don’t even know where to start with this sh*t-for-brains country. I really don’t. Just when I thought that I could not possibly wake up in a dumber country, f***tards of America prove me wrong — again. This is what a dying country looks like. This is what the dumbest country on the face of the planet looks like. The Swift conspiracy theory makes Pizzagate look like an immutable mathematical axiom. I’m starting to question if 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4 because I’m losing my f***ing G.D. ever-loving mind over this nonsense. Look, f***tards, a country this stupid cannot endure. It simply cannot. I’ve been saying it for years, and slowly but surely, Americans are proving my point. Some may think I’m judging the nation too harshly by one or two rogue conspiracy theories that a few (tens of millions) believe, but to that, I say: You’re G.D. right that I’m judging the whole by the few — justly. As a collective, people should be mortified to live in a country where Swift, Kelce, and the NFL are being accused of plotting to defeat traitor trump in the presidential election through some psyop. I would not be caught dead agreeing with this lunacy, yet “news” networks like Fox are running with this story as if it’s hard journalism and fact. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. America is doomed. Welcome to stupid America, a country dumber today than it was yesterday — as always!