F***tard Traitor [T]rump Makes Another Promise He Doesn’t Understand

According to Politico, “Former President Donald Trump said that if elected he would not allow the Federal Reserve to create a digital dollar, in a potential blow to proponents who say such a move would make the payment system more efficient. ‘Tonight, I am also making another promise to protect Americans from government tyranny,’ Trump said Wednesday in New Hampshire before the state’s primary election next week. ‘As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.’… It’s also possible that a digital dollar would be created only for payments between banks to, for example, reduce the costs of transactions across borders.”

What a joke of a promise this is. It’s meaningless because he has no f***ing idea what he’s talking about, let alone how the banking system actually works. He expects idiot Americans to be just as obtuse and naive as he is, which is why he can get away with saying such nonsense — over and over again. No doubt, this “promise” was intended to feed his QAnon kook conspiracy base of f***tards who believe that the government is tracking every transaction of its citizenry. These same f***tard Americans eschew the idea of digital currency (and any engagement with bureaucracy) as another attempt by the government to track everyone’s spending and, hence, their movements. It’s the latest version of one’s SSN being the “mark of the beast” that I’ve been hearing about all my life because I live in stupid f***ing hell.

Sadly, this Politico article missed the point of digital currency until the very last sentence, which I quoted above. Even though this is the first time I’ve heard of the Federal Reserve wanting to create a digital dollar, I immediately thought of the transaction efficiencies gained between banks using digital banknotes. Most people probably don’t know this, but the current method banks use to handle transactions is to literally move pallets of money from one bank’s “vault” to another. Just like people with personal bank accounts that allow them to conduct business and pay bills, banks have their own bank accounts at the Federal Reserve that permit them to move money between banks. Most people today use credit and debit cards more than actual cash, so they might think everything is “digital” already, but at some point, actual cold hard cash has to move, which happens between banks and the Federal Reserve. Moreover, banks must hold certain cash reserves at the end of the business day based on their current liabilities; these reserves change constantly and daily. To meet these regulatory requirements, banks may borrow money from another bank or the Federal Reserve. How are these short-term loans accomplished? By moving pallets of cash. This happens every day. Back and forth. Physical stacks of bundled greenbacks move from one bank’s vault to another. Digital currency would eliminate this process and I guess retire a lot of forklifts and their operators.

Shiving Chevron

I subscribe to American Constitution Society emails to keep myself informed, and they sent out the following email to elucidate on the next legal precedent that the conservative radicals on SCOTUS will destroy. This is yet another thing I predicted would happen upon the death of RBG. Needless to say, this is all part of RepubliKKKlans’ desire — decades-long determination — to destroy the “administrative state,” believing that the American people are being suffocated by the government. And f***tards of America are entirely oblivious to the insidious actions of the uber-conservative, supermajority theocratic wing of SCOTUS. People have no f***ing clue just how important the administrative state is to a well-functioning federal government. Again, as I have said repeatedly, people are going to get a really f***ing rude awakening when they discover that the government has become dysfunctional because RepubliKKKlans have been gunning for the destruction of the bureaucracy. So, good luck with that, f***tards, when the government is no longer capable of protecting your rights, health, food, welfare, you name it! Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid hell!

Today, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two related cases: Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce. These two cases directly challenge what is known as the Chevron doctrine, which, in short, directs the federal judiciary to respect congressional and federal agency authority and prevents courts from second-guessing agencies’ legitimate policy choices. Should the Supreme Court overrule or erode Chevron, the federal government’s ability to do everything from regulating the economy to responding to national emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic would be at risk. It’s not an overstatement to say that these cases pose a threat to government as we know it. 

What You Need to Know

  • Context: Our federal government works by having Congress pass and the President sign into law broad legislation, which is then interpreted by federal agencies. Congress does not have the time, expertise, or clairvoyance to legislate on every possible detailed aspect of health policy, workplace safety, social security benefits administration, food and drug safety, land use, environmental policy, etc. Instead, Congress relies on federal agencies to interpret federal statutes and issue more detailed regulations to achieve the objectives it sets out. 
  • Facts of this Case: Both Loper Bright Enterprises and Relentless, Inc. involve challenges to an interpretation of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Under the MSA, those engaged in certain fishing activities may be required to carry observers on their vessels, who collect data that is critical to the MSA’s purpose of conserving fishery resources. The two cases before the Court challenge the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) authority to require vessel owners to pay the costs for this monitoring in certain circumstances.
    • In both of these cases, the respective district courts and circuit courts applied Chevron and ruled in favor of the NMFS. 
  • Relevant Precedent: These two cases are direct challenges to Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (1984). In Chevron, the Supreme Court held that courts should defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of a statute that it administers when the statute is ambiguous or silent as to an issue and the agency’s interpretation is reasonable. While heavy on the legalese, the Chevron doctrine importantly instructs courts to respect agency authority and enables federal agencies to do their jobs. Chevron has increasingly been villainized by anti-regulatory interests, which have blamed the decision for contributing to the growth of the administrative state.
  • Questions Presented to the Court: While both cases challenge an interpretation of the MSA, the Supreme Court did not opt to take up this narrower question. Instead, the Court chose only to consider the broader question of whether it should overrule or narrow Chevron’s holding.
  • Potential Impact: These cases are as much about the role of the courts as they are about federal agencies. If the Court were to overrule or substantially narrow Chevron, it could invite a flood of litigation by those opposed to any and all federal regulation and would empower the federal judiciary to micromanage federal agencies. As a result, federal courts could redesign federal governance as we know it, second-guessing agency experts and jeopardizing settled expectations across federally regulated areas, from public health to workplace safety to environmental protection, and more.  
  • What Happened at the Oral Arguments: Over several hours of oral argument, the justices appeared to break down along ideological lines in terms of their readiness – or even eagerness in some instances – to overrule Chevron. For example, Justice Kagan described Chevron as a “doctrine of humility,” which recognizes there are some places where congressional direction has run out and that Congress would have wanted the agency, rather than the courts, to do something. On the other hand, Justice Gorsuch, a vocal critic of Chevron, noted that “one lesson of humility is admit when you’re wrong.”

Texas Military Commandeers Federal Land, and Biden Sues

Biden evinces that he’s a running national joke. My frustration is reaching a boiling point with him because he whipsaws between strength (attacks on the Houthis) and abject capitulation (ceding control of federal land to the Texas state militia). According to The Texas Tribune, “The Texas National Guard and state troopers have blocked U.S. Border Patrol agents from a 2.5-mile stretch of the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, preventing federal agents from patrolling that part of the border, according to a court filing by the U.S. Department of Justice, escalating the clash between state and federal authorities on the Texas-Mexico border.”

This is f***ing incredible. A Texas governor apparently has more power over the nation than President Biden, and it seems Biden is entirely copacetic with a RepubliKKKlan governor walking all over him. The immigration issue aside, what is happening on the border between Texas and the federal government is the real issue. I’m not sure in what world a state governor can boss around a federal agency or the president, yet Biden is willing to let Abbott do so. Again, what a f***ing joke! Even though a state’s National Guard is the military branch “commanded” by their respective governors, the president always has the final say; Biden could just as easily order the Texas National Guard to stand down by “calling them up for national service.” Although some have questioned the power of the president over state militias, it’s pathetic that Biden won’t even try because he’s so f***ing weak! God-f***ing-damm*t So f***ing weak! Instead of showing his strength, he sued, which, by the way, Abbott completely ignored a cease-and-desist order from the D.O.J. because, of course, he did. More spitting in Biden’s face, and he and the rest of the dumbass Democrats just take it. And the president wonders why his approval numbers are so f***ing low! Welcome to stupid America!

Post Iowa Analysis

I spent the day listening to MSM analyze the Iowa caucus results, and most of it was pointless and a bunch of wish-casting traitor trump’s impending political demise, which is never going to happen. Yet these idiot political pundits and “experts” won’t let up with trying to explain traitor trump away. Let me tackle and debunk some of these “Iowa was a bad day for traitor trump” claims. The most prominent points that I heard were that the 2024 caucus was a meager turnout, that traitor trump only managed to get 51 percent of the votes cast as a defacto incumbent candidate, and that, on the whole, approximately only 14 percent of Iowa RepubliKKKlans voted for the wannabe dictator. All these points are valid, but they don’t f***ing matter! They claim that the low turnout evinces the lack of enthusiasm behind traitor trump. They claim a former president who can only muster 51 percent of the vote demonstrates his political weakness. They claim 14 percent of Iowans do not represent the whole of the state or the nation for that matter. Again, all of this does not matter. It’s all B.S., and here’s why. First, Iowa is never not going to vote for traitor trump, so whether he gets 50,000 votes or 500,000 votes, he’ll win the state come November. Pundits are nitpicking the shade of red the state will be, and I say one shade of red is just as “not blue” as any other shade. It doesn’t matter. Second, they claim traitor trump only getting 51 percent means that 49 percent of RepubliKKKlans want someone else. Again, this doesn’t matter because when the general election arrives, all RepubliKKKlans will fall in line and cast their vote for the crook; there is no such thing as a never-trumper. Last, they assert that Iowa is a sui generis representation of the base — his most hardcore base — and it does not reflect RepubliKKKlans more generally nationwide. To that, I say it’s debatable.

At this point, the RepubliKKKlan Party is so monolithic that a RepubliKKKlan in the deep South, Northwest, or the Midwest are all essentially the same; they’ll vote for traitor trump nonetheless while arriving at their justifications from differing reasons. It’s pretty clear by now that RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks all see in traitor trump what they want to see. If he’s the second coming of Christ, then they’ll see that. If he’s the genius businessman that will “right” the economy, then so be it. If he’s the protector of our democracy and defender of the silent majority, then he’s their guy. I promise that no amount of analyzing, rationalizing, wish-casting, and ignoring caucus and poll results, which make liberals and dumbass Democrats uncomfortable, is going to change the truth of traitor trump’s trajectory to win the next presidential election. Welcome to stupid America.

America Is Doomed: Voting No Longer Theoretical

This primary season is over, and America is over, f***tards! And I was right — again. I said it would be a blowout on a historic level for traitor trump, and it was, predictably. Now I have to hear MSM media pundits and various political morons tell me that the Iowa results somehow are an outlier and traitor trump is weak and could never win a national election again. To that, I say this: They are wrong, and they’re all f***ing morons. Moreover, I think Iowa is more representative of RepubliKKKlans nationwide than New Hampshire. It is no longer theoretical that people may not vote for someone with so much political and legal baggage, but the problem is f***tards of the political pundit, “expert” class think traitor trump’s legal issues are baggage. They are not; they are badges of courage, and people love him for his “prosecutions,” as if he is literally the second coming of Christ going through the trials and tribulations of our times for them. Once again, I will remind idiots of America that there is no such thing as a never-trumper. They do not exist, for when push comes to shove, people will vote for traitor trump with alacrity. So all these DeSantis and Haley votes are not protest votes; they are soon-to-be traitor trump votes. Haley is not going to win New Hampshire. I promise you that, f***tards. And as for these moderate Independents who may not vote for traitor trump in the general election, they don’t exist either. When it comes to a one-on-one contest between Biden and traitor trump, Independents will vote for whoever has the momentum, and the momentum has been and will continue to be with traitor trump. Political pundits think Independents are maverick voters; they are not. They are fair-weather voters and more concerned about correctly voting for the expected winner rather than who has the best policies.

And another thing, the polls were correct about traitor trump. In fact, he won by even more than the polls predicted, but because polls got the exact percentage wrong, pundits will claim that they are all wrong and cannot be trusted, yet the polls ultimately get the general outcomes correct. Recall the 2022 election. Polls predicted that RepubliKKKlans would take back the House, and they did. Nonetheless, moronic political pundits would have you believe that all the polls are untrustworthy and nothing more than a prediction at a given point in time. So, when these national and state surveys show traitor trump constantly and consistently ahead of Biden, then believe them and be f***ing afraid. The end is here, morons. Mark my words! Mark them well.

Last, we come to the one (no longer) open question remaining: Will voters elect a person who has been impeached twice, indicted four times on 91 felony counts, led and supported an insurrection against the government, and wants to be a dictator? Of course, they will! I did not doubt that they would because I live in stupid f***ing hell. People just don’t f***ing care. Americans want the corrupt crook leading this country! They want chaos; they want the destruction and dysfunction of our institutions; they want to blow up the federal government; they want an end to America’s liberal democracy. For voters, it’s all about fear and loathing of the “other” at this point. Nothing more, nothing less. America is over, f***tards. Fascism is coming to America. How many f***ing times must I say it before you believe me? Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!

The Iowa Caucuses Are Tonight: A Traitor [T]rump Blowout

For the first time since traitor trump led an insurrection to overturn the 2020 election, was indicted in four separate jurisdictions on 91 felony counts, was found liable for defamation against E. Jean Carrol related to sexual abuse (rape per the judge) allegations, was impeached a second time, invented and propagated the Big Lie which has beguiled half a nation of f***tards, has promised to release all the January 6 felons from prison (on day one), has been found liable in New York of business fraud, declared he’ll be a dictator on day one (remember, he does not joke), and so many other disqualifying actions which I cannot possibly list in their entirety, he will be on a ballot, and voters in this sh*t-for-brains country will pick him over every other candidate in droves because I live in stupid f***ing hell! Make no mistake, f***tards, all of traitor trump’s competitors are making the exact same mistake in 2024 as they did in 2016: They refuse to take him on directly for fear of upsetting the base (also known as Al Qaeda in another language). Consequently, he will run away with the nomination just as he did eight years ago, and these first Iowa votes will set the stage for his comeback and landslide run right through the general election. This Nikki Haley hype is just that: Hype. Non-sensical hype. And this will be the benchmark for people to watch out for: When traitor trump gets 50 percent or greater of the votes cast. If that’s the case, then the RepubliKKKlan primary will be over just as soon as it started. It doesn’t matter what happens in New Hampshire, for that contest will be an outlier; I promise you that people want traitor trump to be the first American dictator. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America!

Let’s Go to War with Islam for Christ’s Sake Already!

It’s time for the West to confront Islam once and for all! And what better start than to wipe out yet another Islamic terrorist group — the Houthis. I find it odd that people, in general, fail to comprehend that the one (and only) major religion of the world that constantly engages in terrorism and whose followers resist moving into the 21st century is Islam. Since the beginning of this century, especially, Islam has been a scourge and a drag on the world’s progress. I don’t see Christians engaging in worldwide terrorist attacks. I don’t see it from Jews. I don’t see Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, Zoroastrians, Paganists, Sikhs, Atheists, you name it, terrorizing the rest of the world on a near daily basis. Nope! It’s only Muslims who seem to take extra delight in making sure everyone else suffers for their radical 7th-century cause.

As it relates to the Houthis, it looks like Biden and the U.S. finally f***ing did something. Never underestimate Biden’s procrastination and dithering before doing anything or getting around to doing the right thing (witness piecemeal military aid to Ukraine). His passivity constantly rubs me the wrong way. From CNN, “U.S. and coalition forces struck over 60 targets at 16 Iranian-backed Houthi militant locations, U.S. Air Forces Central Commander Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich said. The Houthi assets included command and control nodes, munitions, depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems, he added. … The strikes are a sign of the growing international alarm over the threat to one of the world’s most critical waterways. For weeks, the U.S. had sought to avoid direct strikes on Yemen because of the risk of escalation in a region already simmering with tension as the Israel-Hamas war continues, but the ongoing Houthi attacks on international shipping compelled the coalition to act.”

Houthis vow retaliation … blah, blah, blah. Who cares. I say bring it. If these Houthi f***tards think they can go up against the U.S. military, then they’re about to f*** around and find out. And, no! I don’t think this will lead to a wider war. This will remain contained between coalition forces and these Islamic terrorist groups. No other nation in the Middle East can afford war with the U.S., the U.K., et al. Iran definitely can’t. Hell! They’re sending military supplies to Russia to be used in Ukraine. Honestly, there just isn’t enough military hardware on the Axis side to go around. So, now is the time for the Allied countries to pound out of existence any and all Islamic terrorist groups willing to pick a fight with the rest of the world. Bring it, people! Bring! It!

As an aside, do you know what country is oddly silent on all these Houthi attacks on international shipping? Egypt! Because the Houthis are attacking and, in some cases, commandeering cargo ships, transportation companies are re-routing their ships around the Cape of Good Hope instead of going through the Suez Canal. Does Egpyt realize they are losing a boatload of revenue as a consequence of Houthi’s terrorism? They should be one of the countries front and center in this coalition to keep international waterways open and accessible for all to move through safely. But no! As usual, the West needs to step in to fix Muslims’ mess and indifference to their own well-being. It never f***ing fails! The West must always pull the most weight to keep the world order of (relative) peace and prosperity. At the same time, Islamic nations stand on the sidelines with their arms crossed, expecting Christian nations to fix everything as they criticize and badmouth said nations behind their backs, which antagonizes the hatred in these Islamic countries and is used by these terrorist governments for domestic political consumption to strengthen their opposition to the West.

Gay RepubliKKKlans: Self-Haters!

From Yahoo!News, “Anti-Donald Trump Republicans know they are in the middle of a critical moment to stop the former president’s political comeback. But for some, the steep cost of voicing resistance to Trump often renders them silent. ‘If you go against Trump, like — you’re over,’ said Kyle Clare, 20, a member of the University of Iowa’s College Republicans. … Clare was right to expect backlash from speaking out on Trump. After NBC News published the interview with him on a ‘Meet The Press’ social media account, hateful and homophobic comments poured in. Clare said later that a student came up to him at a university event, shoved a phone in his face with the video on it, and asked him why he’s ‘scared of Trump and not scared of getting AIDS from having gay sex.’”

Gay RepubliKKKlans are, by far, the dumbest f***ing people on the planet. So, this kid caught my attention because of a recent interview segment on MSNBC. My ears were piqued when Clare said that he became interested in politics because of traitor trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Specifically, the sensation of the rallies attracted him to the con man. Un-f***ing-beleviable. How f***ing perfect and typical! Never mind the policies or the lies spewing from traitor trump’s mouth during his first run for president (and ever since)! Oh, no! The rallies looked like fun and exciting! Traitor trump played right into the stupidity of the average American idiot with bread and circus (of lies, hatred, and spectacle), and, right on cue, the hoards of brainwashed and jejune would-be voters came running to him as if he were the Pied Piper. Fast forward eight years, traitor trump is playing the exact same tune but louder, and f***tards of America keep dancing to it!

Moreover, gay RepubliKKKlans demonstrate a level of self-hate that makes me wonder why they haven’t (and should) off themselves. I have no idea what it is about a person who wants to be part of a political party that loathes them, and, as the quote above shows, hopes he dies from AIDS. This just goes to show people are f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. But whatever. Nothing matters anymore. A country cannot endure where citizens want to identify with a political organization that detests them. This is a deep sickness in the nation, and that sickness is metastasizing, killing the rest of the country. Welcome to stupid America!

America Cannot Endure Much Longer

According to The Hill, “A $1.66 trillion top-line spending agreement announced by congressional leaders this week will accelerate funding cuts to the Internal Revenue Service favored by Republicans. The bipartisan deal would cut $10 billion from the IRS during fiscal 2024, one year earlier than Democrats and Republicans previously agreed on in a deal to raise the debt limit last summer. The debt limit deal included $20 billion in overall reductions to a controversial IRS funding boost. The acceleration is the latest reduction in resources for the IRS, which was slated to receive $80 billion in funding through the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The additional funding was intended to redesign the agency and reinvigorate U.S. tax collections with a focus on the richest taxpayers. But Republicans took immediate aim at the IRS funding increase, voting to repeal the entire allotment last year upon retaking the House and whittling away at it through successive funding deals.”

Only in this sh*t-for-brains country! Only in America! RepubliKKKlans and seemingly every other American constantly b*tches about the national debt, but no one wants to pay for it, and conservatives’ attacks on the I.R.S. evince a national deadbeat attitude. In large part, the debt continues to climb because the nation can’t stop spending and refuses to hold people, especially the rich, accountable to pay their fair share of taxes. And I don’t want to hear about “waste, fraud, and abuse” of spending. Look, f***tards, waste, fraud, and abuse are just a part of life — everywhere. You’ll find just as much of these economic inefficiencies in private, corporate, and personal endeavors. Hell! I cringe whenever I toss kale or chicken because it goes bad before I can eat it. The real question is how inefficient is the government. Not as much as RepubliKKKlans would have you believe. The percentage is in the low single digits, but RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks would have you believe the waste, fraud, and abuse is so vast, expansive, and intentional that deficit shortfalls could be overcome only if government weren’t so corrupt. So, instead of trying to fund the one department providing cash flow to the government, they want to hobble it. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America. The end is here!

Michelle Obama Gets Woke

Michelle Obama expressed in a podcast that she is terrified of another traitor trump presidency. Well, it’s about f***ing time she said so! It’s better than her “when they go low, we go high” B.S. comment. I tell ya, when she spoke that “catchphrase,” she lost most of her stock with me because it evinced the same old delusional wishful thinking and hope-casting mentality that begs to ignore reality and cedes a fighting political mentality to complacency. She finally woke up! (How ironic!) The only way to fight the MAGA moron movement is to scare the ever-loving-bejesus out of voters and nothing less. She’s started the fire. Let’s hope she can keep it up.