Another Pro-Choice Legal Loss for Texans and Hoarding Abortion Pills (No One Cares)

According to the Texas Tribune, “Federal regulations do not require emergency rooms to perform life-saving abortions if it would run afoul of state law, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. After the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sent hospitals guidance, reminding them of their obligation to offer stabilizing care, including medically necessary abortions, under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). ‘When a state law prohibits abortion and does not include an exception for the life of the pregnant person — or draws the exception more narrowly than EMTALA’s emergency medical condition definition — that state law is preempted,’ the guidance said. … ‘We agree with the district court that EMTALA does not provide an unqualified right for the pregnant mother to abort her child,’ Englehardt wrote. ‘EMTALA does not mandate medical treatments, let alone abortion care, nor does it preempt Texas law.’”

Then according to the AP, “Thousands of women stocked up on abortion pills just in case they needed them, new research shows, with demand peaking in the past couple years at times when it looked like the medications might become harder to get. … Medication abortion accounts for more than half of all abortions in the U.S., and typically involves two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. A research letter published Tuesday in JAMA Internal Medicine looked at requests for these pills from people who weren’t pregnant and sought them through Aid Access, a European online telemedicine service that prescribes them for future and immediate use. … ‘People are looking at looming threats to reproductive health access, looming threats to their reproductive rights, and potentially thinking to themselves: How can I prepare for this? Or how can I get around this or get out ahead of this?’ said Dr. Abigail Aiken, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin and one of the letter’s authors.”

Why do I highlight these two stories? For one, they were both published within a day of each other, and, second, they evince a nation wherein women are continuing to lose their bodily autonomy. Texas, especially, is bending over backward to ensure no women can get an abortion, particularly in an emergency. Oh, well. And I love how women are stocking up on abortion pills, expecting the worst. It’s probably a good thing since abortion pills will soon be outlawed once SCOTUS rules on a case before them this year. Mark my words! But the primary reason I bring these two articles together to opine is this: No one cares! I’ve said this repeatedly until I’m blue in the face. No! One! F***ing! Cares! Oh, sure, some care. Those in emergency rooms and requesting abortion pill prescriptions care, but they are a minority. The vast majority don’t care. How can I be so sure? How can I say this with conviction? Look around. What do you see? Nothing! Again, I say: Unless and until women take to the streets to demand their rights back, unless and until women and those men who support women’s rights engage in civil disobedience like those in the 1960s demanding civil rights for Black Americans, and unless and until women and men get serious about ousting RepubliKKKlans from political office — rather than implying voting on abortion protection ballot measures and constitutional amendments — then Americans are not serious about protecting women’s rights. I don’t see a large-scale, nationwide outcry. I see some protests. I see some people showing up to the polls to pass specific measures in specific states to protect the right to choose. But I don’t see anything that approaches en-mass movement. And I certainly don’t see the American voter holding the one and only party that wants to take women’s rights back to the 1850s. Instead, I see the RepubliKKKlan Party gaining more seats (e.g., in the U.S. House). It’s as if f***tard Americans don’t believe RepubliKKKlans when they say they’re not done with restricting women’s rights. I don’t know what it will take for idiot Americans to wake up or to convince them. Perhaps Americans are completely incorrigible. Perhaps America is beyond saving at this point, and the lack of urgency to push back against women losing the right to healthcare is emblematic of a hopeless nation. Oh, well. No one cares because abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. Welcome to stupid America!

Indeed, a Nation of People B*tching, ‘Poor, Me!’

From Salon, “Poor, pitiful conservatives: How the right’s counterfeit victimhood narratives harm all of us. Right-wing victimology isn’t just irritating and childish. It’s also a dangerous incitement to violence. … But victimhood, real or imagined, has also come to assume a central role in social, political, and cultural discourse in the U.S. A victim sensibility seems clearly to be on the rise across the political spectrum, especially on the right. But while real people are victimized in the real world all the time, not all victimization stories are the same. Some are counterfeit.  … While it may be true that conservatives suffer genuine victimization by virtue of jobs moving overseas, wages stagnating, communities fragmenting, health care becoming unaffordable, a perceived increase in crime and growing wealth inequality, it is also transparently false that these sources of legitimate suffering reflect a plot by liberal elites to ‘replace’ them. … So there is no equivalence or symmetry between the ways that the right and left make claims of counterfeit victimization. Broadly speaking, progressives have identified with victims and fought to defend and care for them. Modern conservatives like Trump and Carlson, however, are basically propagandizing when they position themselves and their audiences as injured parties in order to justify anti-democratic and xenophobic measures aimed at seizing, holding and expanding their power. Their aim isn’t to defend victims, but to stir up a mob that they hope will get rid of the democratic norms that currently provide some restraint against their political aims.”

Has the broader public not figured this out yet? I did … eight years ago because I’m not a f***ing G.D. moron. The reason traitor trump has been and continues to be so popular is that he’s spent the last eight years whining, b*tching, complaining, bellyaching, lamenting, and gripping about everything f***ing thing from windmills to NATO to water pressure to democracy and the American Constitution. But whatever! America has degenerated into one giant b*tch session and is now composed of a citizenry aggrieved by every f***ing thing that they disagree with or by situations in which they didn’t get their way. Again, as I’ve been saying for years now, traitor trump is the mirror held up to all Americans, and the people fell in love with the reflection. Welcome to stupid America, an ugly image only conservatives could love!

Falling In Line, of Course

According to Politico, “Donald Trump is making serious headway with a bloc of the GOP that’s among the most skeptical of his 2024 bid: Republican senators. … That success winning over the Hill GOP was hardly guaranteed — and comes just three years after Trump mounted a public campaign to overturn his 2020 loss that’s gotten him indicted on dozens of criminal charges. But a combination of behind-the-scenes courtships like that of Hoeven and the growing feeling of inevitability that Trump will win the nomination is peeling off Republican senators who might otherwise have longed for a new, less divisive standard-bearer. These days, many in the GOP see only upside to early support for Trump.” I’ve said this a gazillion times before: There is no such thing as never-trumpers. They simply do not exist because all RepubliKKKlans fall in line no matter what. If RepubliKKKlans must choose between traitor trump and democracy, then they’ll pick traitor trump every single f***ing time. Eh, whatever! None of this matters anymore. People are morons. America is a nation of f***tards. People don’t care. Welcome to stupid America! The end is here.

My Maine (Wo)Man

According to CNN, “Maine pitched the 2024 election into deeper chaos and constitutional confusion Thursday by becoming the second state to throw Donald Trump off the ballot over the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot. The move from the Maine secretary of state — following a similar decision from the Colorado Supreme Court earlier this month — worsened a growing crisis for Trump’s campaign and strengthened the rationale for the US Supreme Court to take up the issue, arising from the 14th Amendment’s ‘insurrectionist ban.’ It has already exacerbated the havoc already surrounding the election and could cement ever wider national divides. The increasing uncertainty urgently needs a resolution, with Iowa poised to kick off voting in the Republican nominating race on January 15 and other key ballot deadlines looming. Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, paused her decision pending a potential appeal in state court, which Trump’s team said they intend to file.”

There is no sense in pouring on accolades for this no-brainer decision since SCOTUS will undo all of this progress. They’ll undo Colorado’s and Maine’s decisions because this is a pro-insurrectionist SCOTUS. Strike that, actually: This is a pro-insurrectionist country. This nation of f***tards loves their insurrectionists — from the Civil War to January 6. And the remaining 55 percent that aren’t explicitly pro-insurrectionist are at least, in part, insurrectionist-curious. Whatever! Nothing matters anymore because no one f***ing cares! All this makes traitor trump more popular because I’m surrounded by morons. Morons everywhere, everywhere morons! As I said before, SCOTUS is going to turn the 14th Amendment from the anti-insurrectionist amendment into the pro-insurrectionist amendment because I live in stupid f***ing hell, and people just don’t care about their democracy. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well. Idiot Americans are missing the more significant anti-democracy movement plaguing countries worldwide. We like to think we’re immune from this trend when, in fact, we’re the ones setting it. Welcome to stupid America, where democracy dies!

A Klassy American Christmas Killing

From NBC News, “A 14-year-old Florida teen fatally shot his sister in an argument over Christmas gifts, only to be shot moments later by his own teenage brother, authorities said. The argument started when the brothers, ages 14 and 15, were out shopping on Christmas Eve Sunday with their mother and sister and got into a spat over who was receiving more Christmas gifts, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said at a news conference. After shopping, the boys, their mother, their 23-year-old sister, Abrielle Baldwin, and Baldwin’s two young children, ages 11 months and 6, went to their grandmother’s home in Largo, where the argument continued. That’s when the 14-year-old brother ‘stood in the doorway, he took out his .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun, and he pointed it at [his brother] and told him he was going to shoot him in the head,’ Gualtieri said. The 14-year-old argued with her, called her ‘derogatory’ terms and shot her in the chest as she was holding her infant in the carrier, Gualtieri said. She fell, and the baby fell, too, but was unharmed. The 15-year-old brother then came outside, took out a .45-caliber semi-automatic handgun, exclaimed, ‘You shot my motherf—— sister!’ and shot the 14-year-old one time in the stomach, the sheriff’s office said.”

This story is hilarious, and I mean that in a literal sense. What better way to celebrate America’s death culture and the holiday spirit than to have two family teens shooting each other and killing their sister? This is the perfect tableau of American society. I have to say, this family brought it on themselves. Did no one in the family find it a concern that two bearly teenage boys should possess or have access to two handguns? No one thought that to be dangerous? Oh, well. They were asking for it. I definitely don’t care about this tragedy, but I do appreciate the humor of it. Only in stupid f***ing America! You get a gun for Christmas. And you get a gun for Christmas. And you get a gun for Christmas.

America Can’t Quit Its Treasonous Past

To be clear, Nikki Haley, like all RepubliKKKlans, is pro-slavery. Full stop! As CNN reports, “Nikki Haley was confronted on Wednesday by a voter in New Hampshire who called her out for not mentioning slavery in her response to his question about the cause of the Civil War. … ‘I mean, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run. The freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do [like owning other people, apparently].’… ‘I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are [to have slaves, I guess],’ Haley added. ‘I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people [just not Black people and other minorities]. It was never meant to be all things to all people [such as barring people from owning other people].’ … ‘What do you want me to say about slavery?’ Haley asked [WTF!?!?].” And this person wants to be President? Yeah, it actually tracks perfectly!

Do you know why Haley could not answer this question correctly? (And there is only one right answer.) It’s because she and every other RepubliKKKlan believe that there is a minority class of people who are meant to be second-class citizens, and to admit that we had the Civil War to bring equality to Black people would be offensive to 45 percent of the electorate! The same percentage of Americans still think the Civil War is some great “lost cause.” It is incomprehensible to me that so many people in this sh*t-for-brains country still embrace with open arms and proudly America’s treasonous past. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. The South f***ing lost! They were all traitors, yet half this country can’t let go. This is why we are headed toward another civil war because nearly half of Americans want a return to this bygone era — where white Anglo-Saxon Christian males dominated all facets of American life — but with a modern twist. That modern twist on slavery is to relegate all minorities to second-class status. People may not return to owning others like chattel, but RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks will seek ways to own minorities in other ways. They started with women’s healthcare by ending Roe and forcing gay people back into the closet. That’s just the beginning. The same ethos that dominated the South in the 1850s is resurging in the 2020s. Mark my words, f***tards. I see the throughlines from then to now as clearly as a crisp, cloudless winter day, and Haley’s Civil War answer is a telling glimpse into the mindset of a party (and public) that wants to force its version of “freedom” on the rest of us, which is not freedom at all. Haley’s answer is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America! Mark my words!

People Want Revenge!

Here is the infamous word cloud from traitor trump that everyone is talking about. This U.K. tabloid asked 1000 voters for a word to sum up Biden and traitor trump’s plans for the next presidential term. (I assume they asked real American voters because, let’s face it, the U.K. is the king of countries when it comes to rags printing gossipy crap.) The amazing tidbit to take away from this exercise is that idiot voters understand that traitor trump is out for revenge should he win, yet they are still willing to vote for him anyway. Un-f***ing-beliebable! This is yet one more piece of evidence that tracks with what I’ve been saying for years now: People don’t f***ing care about democracy. (What part of “revenge” and “dictatorship” — another dominant word — do f***tard voters think is conducive to a well-functioning democracy?)

Moreover, Americans are f***ing bored with their pathetic, uninteresting lives, so they can’t wait to return traitor trump to the White House to spice things up a bit! (I have not expressed this last point as regularly, but it still applies; there is a certain amount of ennui that Americans seek to purge from their plebeian lives. This is a country that elected a f***ing reality T.V. star to the presidency, for Christ’s sake, because they thought a failed businessman in real life, but who played a successful entrepreneur on the boob tube, could run the f***ing country well!) These f***ing people have no idea what hell they’ll be unleashing on themselves and the world when this sh*t-for-brains country puts traitor trump back in the White House. Worse still, voters will do this in the full knowledge (indeed, desirable expectation) of what he’ll do in a second term. There will be no surprises. There is no confusion now about what he wants to do, yet f***tards of America want him back to, apparently, exact his (their) revenge on the rest of the country and the world. This is what a dying country looks like — just look in the f***ing mirror! Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to endure. Mark my words, morons!


According to CNN, “The Consumer Price Index measured 3.1% annually in November, and the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index not only came in even lower at 2.6%, but also declined monthly for the first time since April 2020. But there’s still a long way to go before inflation is where the Fed wants it. The earlier price increases became pervasive and ‘sticky,’ meaning that once prices go up, they don’t easily go down. That’s making it that much more difficult to bring consumer costs back to their levels before recent jumps.”

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, my S.O. called me at work asking about some government inflation measure that had just been reported or something like that — as I said, a long time ago. Having graduated with my degrees in economics and finance a couple of years earlier, I was more than happy to elucidate using my fancy learning and show off my economic prowess. While it was too long ago to remember my exact explanation, I do remember that price “stickiness” was the core of my thesis because it is an economic concept with which the typical layman would not be familiar. Fast forward to now, and lo and behold, the concept of sticky prices appears in an article. How appropriate! Yet, how sad, for these are the nitty-gritty concepts of economics that are entirely lost on the average American f***tard, who thinks everything always returns to “normal.” That is jejune thinking. Once prices increase — as they always do — they tend to stay at the higher price. Why aren’t burgers 15 cents at McDonald’s anymore? Why are cars no longer a few hundred or a couple thousand dollars? Why is everything more expensive than it was a couple of decades, a hundred years, a century ago? Because prices always tend upward and rarely retreat (deflation). And I promise you, deflation is a more dire economic phenomenon compared to inflation.

Nonetheless, prices always increase — 99 percent of the time. Do you know what also always increases? Wages! No one ever mentions that. The average American moron never seems to crow about that. I have first-hand knowledge of wage inflation, aside from the wage index (E.C.I.). First, my company, which is just your average mid-sized corporation, issued a standard wage increase for existing employees of 7 percent, which is a higher percentage increase compared to the previous year. And second, we raised our starting base salary by 10 percent. These increases either outpaced (by a lot) or were on par with our area’s growth rate in the C.P.I. Why did we do this? So we could remain competitive with other employers. Funny how inflation in consumer prices forces increases in wages. (Actually, it’s not funny or fascinating at all; it’s called economic theory informing reality.) Anyone who took an introductory economics course would understand these concepts. Oh, wait, that’s right! Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order, so they know nothing, let alone apprehend economics. Of course, every American moron thinks they are economists because they can read gas and egg prices. But they always focus on one part of the economic equilibrium equation: Price increases. They suddenly suffer from amnesia when it comes to their own wage increases. As usual, people can’t see the forest for the trees. And, as usual, people just love to blame Democrats for everything that’s wrong with their lives, as if people are not their own masters! Welcome to America — stuck on stupid!

This Is What People Want, Mark My Words!


Traitor trump

It’s the usual holiday cheer from traitor trump. No matter the celebration, traitor trump has to get his grievances out in the open for everyone to eat up like candy. This is the guy morons of America want back in office! They want four more years of this sh*t! And don’t believe these f***tard political pundit “experts” who keep telling us the polls are premature because people are not paying attention to the presidential race — yet. Un-f***ing-believable. How f***ing stupid can these idiots be? How is it that voters responding to polls simultaneously aren’t paying attention, yet dread a Biden-traitor trump re-match? How is it that voters, in all their infinite wisdom, replay the 2020 head-to-head election in their minds and come up with a different answer for pollsters in 2023? Doing so inherently means paying attention with whatever benighted brain power they can muster. So, don’t let the “experts” tell you otherwise.

These polls over the last year evince the same advantage traitor trump had going into the 2020 election before the pandemic hit. I’ve mentioned this several times before, and I guess I’ll remind the idiots of what truly happened in 2020 and is happening now. Traitor trump was well on his way to being re-elected — despite his disastrous term — until COVID tanked the economy. He didn’t lose the election because he f***ed up handling the pandemic, which should have been the driving force for people’s decision-making, as the pandemic was yet one more instance of his complete and utter incompetence as a president; instead, he lost because the pandemic shut down the world economy. Fast forward three years, and traitor trump is leading Biden based on the state of the economy, which, by the way, f***tard Americans can’t seem to accurately apprehend between booming growth and a hole in their head. This is the state of political play, for it’s the same thing every f***ing presidential cycle: It’s the economy, stupid! Expect this time, voters are as illiterate about the economy as they’ve ever been, perceiving only the bad aspects and ignoring the good. Thus, voters — as I’ve said a thousand times before — will turn their backs on democracy if it means a few more dollars in their wallets. They’ll gladly endure the embarrassment that is a traitor trump presidency again if it means cheaper gas. Welcome to stupid America! People get the government they deserve and desire. And this notion that Americans care about democracy and freedom is a lie.

A Civil War No Matter What

No matter the 2024 presidential election results, we will be in a new civil war; the only thing that the election will determine is the timing — sooner or later. Let’s start with what I think is the unlikely outcome: Biden wins. If Biden wins reelection, then the MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks will immediately take up arms against their fellow citizens, aggrieved — once again in their warped estimation of reality — over another election being stolen from them. These “Americans” will not abide another loss without exacting revenge. The question becomes this: Does Biden have the steel to quell the uprising quickly, or will his weakness cause him to hesitate? If he hesitates, then traitor trump and the rest of the 45 percent of the traitorous hoards will be incentivized to take up arms, and red states will be encouraged to secede. Then the question is this: How many states that left the Union have a significant portion of America’s military-industrial complex? This is key. Biden would not only have to commandeer military bases immediately and transfer assets to safe Union states, but he would also have to consider neutralizing locations where weaponry is produced in the Rebel states. Part of the reason the Union was destined to win the First Civil War was that the North had the industrial capacity advantage to produce everything needed to win the war, from bullets to grain to trains to shoes. The North had a population advantage as well. Yet, I’m not sure Biden has the strategic mindset to lead a civil war. He’ll be too busy trying to figure out a way to bring everyone together, believing it can be done; but he misunderstands the nature of the friction, for Americans have been headed toward a civil war for decades, and no matter how hard Biden wishes it otherwise, we cannot change course. Neighbors and family members have been turning against each other for a long time now. This 21st-century conflict must run its course.

Then there is the more likely scenario — traitor trump wins. But this will not engender a civil war immediately. A traitor trump win would put Democrats, Democratic-leaning voters, and others, who comprise the actual majority of the population, on the defensive. Needless to say, this coalition of citizens is weak-willed and relatively acquiescent. These morons will want to give traitor trump a chance. (A chance of what I have no idea. He’s not going to be any kinder or gentler dictator.) Whereas a Biden win would instantly exercise the red-hat army, a traitor trump win will take time for the “blue-hat” citizens to mobilize because they will not have realized the urgency of the situation. It is only after traitor trump predictably implements everything he signaled during the presidential campaign that people will begin to agitate. It’s only when traitor trump starts rolling back people’s rights and favored legislation that people begin to rally in the streets, but the new American dictator will send in the military to quash all protests, and therein, the seeds of rebellion begin. It will be much more difficult for the blue hats to win back America, for the military loves traitor trump more than they love the Constitution, especially with him as commander-in-chief. Do not expect the military to hesitate to shoot on their fellow countrymen or to switch sides. (I’m sure the military will have sworn an oath to traitor trump personally by this point.)

No matter the election results in 2024, we are headed for a civil war. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well. I have my ear to the ground. I hear the descents at my local breakfast place. I’ve been on the receiving end of casual discussions equating the zeitgeist of the time to the cause of neighborhood disagreements. I hear co-workers’ conversations tread gingerly, having the political climate in mind and with both sides, no doubt, biting their tongues. To be sure, politics has always been a topic that polite society dares not engage with strangers or co-workers, but there is clearly something more simmering just under the surface — nah, not a thing simmering, rather molten lava stirring and churning below our feet ready to explode into the open. At this point, no one is going to be happy with the election winner; the 2024 election is merely the catalyst for something that has been brewing for decades. And the time has come. War must happen. Welcome to stupid America — one election away from the end of America as we know it!